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~(Y/N)'s Pov~

I was sitting in a small café in central, with a cup of coffee in my hand. I was people watching, which was in no way creepy. It was the same-old-same-old, normal people.

Normal is boring.

I was currently bored out of my mind, if you couldn't tell. Not that any other day was different. It was all the same. Everyday was the same, nothing.

At least until I saw someone different.

He looked different from normal people here. He had black cloths and a blood red jacket, with a black Flamel Cross on the back. His hair was bright blonde, and his eyes were a honey color.

I however was incredibly bored so I waved him to sit across from me at the table. He looked at me for a second but eventually sat down.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I said.

"Edward Elric." He replied.

"Oh I've heard of you." I took a sip of my coffee, "Fullmetal alchemist right?"

"Yup that's me." He said proudly.

I took another sip and set my cup down. "You're shorter than I expected."

He yelled something I could barely make out. "Hey calm down. We're in public if you haven't noticed."

"I don't care! You called me short!" He was pretty pissed.

"I'm guessing you get that a lot." I implied.

"Ya actually I do."

We talked for what seemed like hours, but was actually about half an hour.

"Well sorry Eddie, but I gotta get going."

~Edward's Pov~

"Awww! But I was having fun! It's not often I get to talk to a normal person." When I said this she looked at me as if she was offended.

"Don't. Call. Me. Normal." She sounded pretty pissed.

"What's wrong with normal?" I asked.

"Normal is boring. I take it offensive." She stood up. In all honesty, I didn't want her to leave. She was... Different. I was bummed until she said, "Don't worry. I'll see you again. Sometime. Promise." She said and walked off.

I felt weird. Even though I just met this girl she made me feel weird. But apparently weird is a good thing.

~(Y/N)'s Pov~

I was waking to the café, hopping Ed would be there.

Or I was.

Not anymore.

I don't know what or how it happened, but I was in an alleyway with a weird looking guy? Girl? Palm tree? Yes must be a palm tree!

"Are you a palm tree?" I asked completely avoiding the fact I was in a dark alley with a palm tree.

"What?! No! I'm not a palm tree!" Palm tree yelled. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled kicking, and struggling to get away.

"Stop struggling brat."



"Suuuuuure you're not." I said sarcastically.

After a minute or two of arguing, someone said, "Put her down Envy!" I looked over to see none other than Ed.

"Hey Eddie!" I waved completely forgetting about the palm tree currently holding me.

"And how are you gonna make me Fullmetal pipsqueak?" Envy? Said.

"Put her down so I can kick your ass." Ed said.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Put her down and I'll show you."

"Fine." Palm tree tossed me to the wall.

This caused me to hit my head, not bad enough to cause damage. "OUCH!" I said rubbing my head. Ed looked 100x madder now for some reason.

-Time skip-

Envy was gone. He left. Coward. Ed wasn't hurt, thank Irene,  and my head had a small bruise.

"Are you ok." Ed said sitting beside me.

"I'm fine Eddie." I said reassuring.

Then he hugged me?

He was hugging me.

What do I do now? It took a second for my brain to process the situation, but I hugged him back.

When we pulled away he kissed me! My brain is currently screaming.

When we pulled away he said, "no one's gonna hurt you again."

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