More about the pack and the dream forest

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Shall we start with a setting? It's called the dream forest.

Alright. I go to the dream forest almost every night. My mother, Treesa, is the ruler of it. Frostmoon also goes. It's where she met her mate who is my half brother. His name is Silverhawk. She also met her good friend Willowheart there. It's a huge forest with some rivers, streams, mushrooms, etc.

I wanted to tell you about the dream forest first because it's very important. Now let's learn some more about the wolves in my pack.

As I told you, I'm the beta of my pack. If you didn't know, the beta of a pack is the second in command and has the right to boss around anyone apart from the alpha. You know what, I'm going to give you two lists: one of major roles in a pack and one of minor ones so I don't have to explain them all later. They'll be in order from best to least. Not that it concerns you, but I wrote this list myself.

Majors: Alphas: The leaders of the pack. If it's an average pack, there's an alpha male and an alpha female. They're always mates and are usually the only ones allowed to have pups because they'll be stronger and less likely to die. Betas: The betas are second in command. There is only one unless it's a very large pack. If there is two, there's also a male and female. Although it's possible, it's not required for them to be mates.
Delta: Third in command. There's only one. "Lead" everything: When I say this I mean lead hunter, general, etc. "lead" apprentices: their apprentices.

Minors: Senitals: the senitals are the personal guards of the alphas and betas. There's usually 3 if any. Joker: The entertainment of the pack. Focuses on keeping things cool between everyone and making sure the pack is generally happy.
Pups: um...pups. XD Omega: worst in a pack, pretty much everyone's punching bag. Last to eat, never gets to hunt with the pack or anything.


Again, I'm sorry these chapters are so short! The reason I do that is because if I put I bunch of different stuff in one chapter, I won't be able to come up with a name for it. Please leave feedback and share this book with you your friends! Also don't forget to vote for this book if you're enjoying it! Thank you, and have a great day!


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