Hanging out

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Today all the morning classes whizzed by. At lunch, Tony asked me to sit with him alone!!😱I said yes and rolled my eyes as dramatic Zach made immature gawking sounds. I followed him to an empty table and looked at him curiously. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with m-me after school today," Tony said. I smiled at him. "I would be happy to!" I said and chuckled mentally when he blushed. It was cute. Wait, what?! You heard nothing. I didn't say anything. Got it? Good.

I told the pack about what happened and they all made VERY annoying kissy noises. I resisted the urge to punch them. "Ok, ok, I get it. I'm going," I said and stuck my tongue out at them. They grinned innocently at me and I walked outside. I'd promised Tony I'd meet him at the woods at 7:30 pm. The pack was telling my mom I was taking a walk, which probably wasn't a lie.

I walked in and saw Tony leaning against a big tree waiting for me. He was wearing a t-shirt with a howling wolf and black shorts. I liked it. He waved at me and I waved back. "You look nice," he told me. "Thanks, you too," I told him, blushing slightly. He started walking and I followed him.

"So uh...how are you doing?" He asked me. I could tell he was stalling for some reason, but I didn't say anything. "I'm doing great," I said, smiling at him. "How are you doing?" He grinned at me. "Great!" He said. I smiled.

"So...I wanted to tell you something," Tony said. "Ok," I said. I couldn't help but be hopeful. "I..I..." He said and I smiled, nudging him softly with my shoulder. "Go on," I said. Tony suddenly stopped walking and looked me in the eye, his bright green ones shining. "I like you, Christine," Tony blurted.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Tony cut me off by gently pressing his finger to my lips. "Before you ask, yes. I LIKE like you. I know you don't like me but-" I cut him off with a soft kiss on his lips. He obviously didn't notice that I had been leaning towards him ever since he said he liked me.

It was an amazing kiss. Tony kissed me back. He bit my bottom lip slightly. I closed my eyes. I would treasure this moment forever. Tony pulled away gently and turned the deepest shade of red I've ever seen. Aww! He was blushing! I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks too and I kissed Tony gently on the forehead.


I hope you like Christine x Tony, even if I didn't really introduce Tony very much. If you're confused, they've both had crushes on each other for a while and are glad to be confessing their feelings for each other. I need a ship name for them! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and share if you liked this chapter, and don't forget to leave feedback! Thank you, and have a great day!


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