Sleepover with him!

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*WARNING: SLIGHT steam in this chapter!*

It's Saturday! FINALLY!!! It's been an unfortunately long week of school. Yesterday I gave Tony my phone number and told him to call me. He did this morning, and I'm going over to his house tonight for a sleepover! I'm so nervous!!

I just finished packing my stuff, it's 6:30 pm. I'm also having dinner at Tony's house, did I mention that? I'm so excited and nervous...ahhh!

Tony just came and picked me up, of course I brought my diary to write every little detail. We just got to his house, I'll write later!

We had spaghetti for dinner, it was delicious!! Tony just grabbed my hand, now he's pulling me upstairs! You know what, I'll tell you everything tomorrow, Tony wants me to be alone with him, apparently my diary is a person now!😜

O.M.G!!!!! Tony made last night AMAZEBALLS!!!! It's 6:03 in the morning right now, I'm writing while Tony's sleeping. He's so cute when he snores! AHHH! You heard nothing!!! I'm definitely not letting Tony read this! Anyway, for the story, I'm going to tell you every detail...

Tony pulled me up to his room by the hand and into his room. He locked the door and grinned at me. "We're going to have so much fun!" He said. I blushed and grinned. I asked him what he had in mind and his grin widened. I could tell he was going to make this special.

He put his hands behind my head, pushing our faces closer and closer. I blushed, probably looking like a tomato. Our noses touched and he grinned, obviously enjoying watching me get worked up. He closed his eyes and kissed me, gently at first but getting more and more passionate as we went. He put his hands on my hips and I put mine on his shoulders.

Tony bit my bottom lip slightly, sending tingles through my body. He licked my lips a little, asking me to open my mouth. I granted him access and our tongues explored each other's mouths.

After a moment more of this, Tony pulled away and grinned at me. He gave me a little peck on the cheek and looked me lovingly in the eyes. We were both blushing, a LOT. "Did you like that?" Tony asked me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Duh!!" I said. "Good," he said with a mischievous grin. "Because there's more where that came from!"

Tony kissed me again, and I loved every minute of it. I was first to pull says this time. I walked behind him and jumped on his back. "I'm not coming down until you run around your room 7 times with me on your back," I told him. "Easy," he said. I chuckled. I wasn't going to make this easy for him.

After half a lap around his large room, I started kissing him gently on the head, grinning. Tony moaned, realizing what I was doing. I laughed. He tried to shake me off to kiss me back, but I wasn't letting him. He moved around the room, finishing his laps with me kissing him. Of course, he did it slowly because he was trying to kiss me the whole time.

I finally got down, laughing, when Tony attacked me with kisses. I kissed him back and he picked me up, spinning me in circles. I laughed again and kissed him on the lips. Right when he pulled away, his 4 year old sister Chloe burst into the room.

"Did me interrup someting?" She asked in a cute voice. I laughed, she clearly needed to work on her grammar. "I thought I locked the door..." Tony growled. "You did," Chloe said cheekily. "Daddy unlocked the door!" Tony sighed, clearly frustrated, and "escorted" his sister outside.

Uh-oh, he's waking up! I better pretend I'm asleep. See you in a minute!

That was hilarious!! Let me tell you what happened!

Chloe was in the room when I woke up, much to Tony's annoyance. I could tell he loved his little sister, he really did, but he didn't want ANYONE interrupting our sleepover.

"No no no!" Chloe whined. I raised my eyebrow, confused. "Oo need to go back to sweep!" She said, rushing over to me and closing my eyelids with her fingers. I laughed. "SHHHH!" She said. "You're asweep, mkay?" I didn't reply. I'm asweep!😂

"Now," Chloe said, turning to Tony, "she's your sweeping booty! Wake her up with a kiss!" Tony laughed and nodded at his sister. He approached me and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed back and "woke up" with a dramatic flourish of my hand.

Tony made me pancakes for breakfast. They were delicious!! Right now I'm in the car heading home. See you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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