Pack territory and herbs

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Now let's get on to a territory section.

Our pack's territory is in a woods behind my house. We've claimed most of those woods, but some other animals have too. We smell raccoon a lot. Frostmoon has told me more than once that Silverhawk lives in those woods, but I'm not so sure. I've never scented him there, and I know she hasn't either because she doesn't go in those woods very often, about every 3-7 months, and she'd say something if she smelled him.

Now we're going to have an herb section.

1. Berry 1: uncommon, heals mild scratches and itches.

2. Berry 2: Very common, hides scent well.

3. Anseshia: need: 10 berries, burnt Poision Ivy, one bottle. capture flames in bottle. Get a container and put water in container. Open bottle and scoop up then mash the berries and get rid of the berry skins. How to apply: put up to nose and breath it in through nose. DO NOT SWALLOW! Keep on nose while the bullet removing is commencing. Do not breathe in water and avoid getting mixture on fur/skin. For next day, watch breathing closely. If breathing slows down, commit surgery immediately.

4. Wet moss: simply used to clean out wounds and is a decent source of water.

5. Moss/wet stem combination: another way to heal scratches/scars. First apply dry moss, then stem, then wet moss. Slightly more affective than berries.

6. Eat rich prey to generally improve strength/mood.

7. Honey: Helps with sore throat.

8. Marigold: Used for infection.

9. Poppy seeds: Used to calm wolves down and help sleep. WARNING: VERY strong. The weaker the wolf, the less you should use. Example: Let's say I, the strong beta, just got a nasty, bloody scar. I'll probably only need 1 to one and a half before I fall asleep.

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