Dreams and experiences

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It was at night, when  I was coming home from basketball in our van. I looked up at the full moon and my view flashed suddenly to the inside of my throat, where dark brown fur was growing. (I know, weird) The second the van door opened I darted outside, now in full wolf form, and found another wolf waiting for me. We spent all night outside until the sun rose, then he/she vanished and I went back to human form. Then I went inside and looked in a mirror. This is what I saw: I was my normal human self, but my eyes were golden where they should be blue. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't keep a straight face, which was weird. My face kept twitching. I woke up remembering those exact details. And I remember them to this day.

Now for some experiences. The first one is meeting my inner wolf. I was meditating on my bed with the lights turned off and got connected to her for the first time. She told me her name was Moonlight. I smiled. I was really happy I'd finally found her. Later on, I found out she's really helpful. We keep each other in check. I was 16 when I found her.

Another one is when I was at a hotel and Frostmoon and I were outside. We were watching the full moon when out parents said it was time to go inside for bed. We went inside and felt the full moon's effects. For me, I could barely hear myself talk and my limbs were extremely shaky. Goldenmoon had bad pain in her legs. I think we didn't transform only because we didn't watch the moon for long enough (probably not it). Or maybe because we weren't old enough. We were only 10-12 at the time, so there you go.


I hope you're enjoying my crap so far😜If so, please vote and share this story with friends! Also comment any feedback, I really appreciate it!!


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