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The pack has school today. Ugh! We skipped school yesterday for the announcement, but agreed we couldn't today. We all have most of our classes together, which makes it much better. Our first class is history. We share about our past and family as well as learn more about it. Today we were sharing whether or not both our parents were wolves as well as if either of them are important. A boy named Tony went first.

"Both my parents are werewolves," he said, pushing a lock of his shaggy hair behind his ear. "And my dad is the principal here, but I don't think that's very important." I do. Mr. Sall, the history teacher, nodded. I kinda tuned everyone out until I heard my name being called. "Christine," Mr. Sall said.

"Both my parents are werewolves," I said. "And mom is kinda important but I don't want to brag..." Ellie and Mr. Sall nodded me on encouragingly, along with Tony and a couple other classmates. "Ok," I said, taking a deep breath. I still didn't want to brag, and I didn't think my classmates would believe me anyway.

"My mom mom is Treesa," I said, waiting for the boos of disapproval. None came. Just...silence. "I always thought you looked like her!" Tony murmured before cheering. "WOO-HOO!" He said and I laughed. The pack smiled. "Can you make me fall asleep right now and have a dream about poking you?" Tony asked and I rolled my eyes, amused at his immaturity and looked at Mr. Sall for approval. He shrugged and nodded.

"Are you sure?" I asked Tony and he grinned and nodded. I smiled and snapped my fingers. Tony immediately fell asleep. I patted him on the head, amused. "He should wake up in about 15 minutes," I told Mr. Sall.

There were similar responses to Ellie, Eve, and Silverhawk (he's related to Treesa too, being my half brother) which was very amusing. We had a couple more classes before the best part of the day...LUNCH!!!


I hope you're enjoying this so far! Please tell me if you like the story type things (like the one above) or the experience type things (like pack territory and herbs). I'm doing both, but I want to know which one you guys like more, I'll do more of it😊Don't forget to vote and share if you're enjoying this, and also please leave feedback! It helps me out!! Thank you, and have a great day!


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