Ellie is having pups!

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Today, Frostmoon and Silverhawk make an announcement. Since we don't have a pack house, we usually meet at Frostmoon's house. They announced that they were having pups! I was so excited for them. Frostmoon said that they were expecting twins, a girl and a boy. Silverhawk asked for names, and I suggested Amy and Rory after the DW characters. I got some chuckles, but Frostmoon agreed. Yay!!! (Yes, I watch DW in rl😊)

The pups are due in a few months. They announced that they weren't telling the pups what they were until they were 8-10, which I'm worried about. They won't be too happy when they find out because of the secret being kept from them. Oh well...I'm excited to meet them!

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