The fight and mindlinks

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The last time Frostmoon was over, we got into a fight when we were at the den. It wasn't a fake fight, but it wasn't serious either. She told me I was questioning her authority. I swear I don't remember what exactly I was doing that made her think might've been because I was going the same direction she was while hunting and she told me to stop following her. I said I wasn't. We went back to the den and she said one thing before she attacked me: "This is MY pack." I dodged, and that's how our tussle started. I wasn't fighting as hard as I could because I knew she was just trying to provoke me, a test I had passed long ago. She abruptly ended it, much to my confusion, and told me to keep hunting. I left immediately, I needed a hunt. I wasn't trying to annoy her, I just think she disrespects me. I stand up to her more than others because I'm the beta, I have a commanding aura too.

I've always wondered if the pack has a mind link. I know really powerful packs do, but we're not on the leaderboard, XD. Maybe I could contact Bluenight right now if I really tried, since she's right next to me...Yup! She looked up at me! I'll keep working on that. *keeps calling for Bluenight* Maybe I can get my assistant, Arthopary, to send her a message too, I have a mind link with him. He's awesome!

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