Chapter 11

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I grabbed my bag and tossed him a condom and he put it on. He slowly bings himself inside me. I let out a soft moan and he brought himself out and then back in and then back out again. Soon he accelerated the speed, I started moaning louder and louder. He started moaning too. He slowed down and then stopped.

We layed down side to side, bare of clothes on our picnic blanket. I just looked up at the stars, smiling about what just happened. I sat up and looked at him and said,"You ready for round two?"


I woke up in Isaiah's bed next to him. We lay just in our underwear. Isaiah had a protective hand around my waist, his warm hand touching my bare skin. I smile replaying what happened last night in my head over and over again. I soon fell back to sleep, when I realized it was 4 in the morning.

I woke up 3 hours later, Isaiah still sleeping peacefully. I triedto go back asleep, but sleep didn't want me back. So I got up slowly, careful not to wake him up. I walked around his room, just being nosey. I saw a picture of Isaiah when he was younger and I picked it up. Aww, he was so cute and nerdy.

I slowly put it down without a sound coming from the bottom. I looked and saw a picture of Isaiah when he was about 17 with the twins and I'm guessing the rest of his family. They all looked similar. I saw a girl who was about 13, she seemed like a good girl. Someone that embraced all natural and liked having a good time.

I want to meet his sister now. I loked around some more and found some books in a pile on his dresser. I looked through them and saw the Hunger Games series and Gregor the Overlander series. He must like Suzan Collins.

I saw a note on top of the books, I picked it up and it read:

Dear Isaiah,

I know how much you loved books and I thought these might intrest you. I love you so much and I hope you will be able to forgive me for what I've done. I hope we can put all this aside and continue the life we once had together. I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. I love and miss you so much.



"My sister gave me that last year," Isaiah said. I jumped and turned around and saw him looking down at the stacks of books.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"Oh, no. It's fine. I don't care," he said.

"Well, if it's ok with you, I would like to know why you were mad at her," I asked wrapping my arms around his neck and connected our lips together. We stayed that way for a couple seconds and when we stopped, he looked up at me.

"She's not a virgin. She lost it and I was so dissapointed in her," he said it like he was about to cry. I looked at him, shocked.

"So she did... it?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said looking down at the floor.

"Are you ok?" I said hugging him. He layed his head in the crook of my neck.

"Yeah," he ssaid the sound muffled in my shirt. We stay like this for a while, me comforting him in his time of need. I thought it was amazing, him being able to cry in front of me without being embarrassed. After a while, he wipes his eyes and looks at a point in the room. I thought it was the tv but maybe the dresser.

Finally he said,"It's hard to believe someone that you practically raise do something like that. The mixed emotions I was getting. It was like she spit on my dace but 30 times worst."

I looked up at him. I could see the rage in his eyes, I needed to do something to calm him down. "I couldn't imagine going through that," really Zoey, that's all you can say.

"Yeah, and my peice of shit parents just rode it by like they're little girl didn't give up that," he said clenching his fists. His knuckles were turning whiter and whiter by the second. The rage didn't seem to go down. Call me crazy, but I could've sworn I saw fire where his pupils were.

"Just forget about it babe. I need you to be happy today, can you do that... for me," I said wrapping my arms around his waiste. I looked up at him, glaring from under my eyelashes. He looked straight ahead, his lips tight in a straight line.

After a long moment of silence he inhaled and exhaled in large quantities and said, "Yeah, let's do something fun today."

"Yes, there's my Isaiah," I said smiling. My arms were still wraped around his waiste, he cups my face with his hands and lightly kisses me. I liked this kiss. It wasn't slolpy like they usually were. I liked those, don't get me wrong, but these were better. These ones were soft and neat. It made me feel fragile. He came up and I looked like an idiot with my eyes closed and lips puckered.

I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me. I smile back and bit my bottom lip. A few seconds later he says, "You are just beautiful." I lookdown trying to hide the blush that he made.

"Thank you," was all I could say. After a few seconds of just gazing into eahother's eyes, we finally decided to get ready for the day. We both showered, ate, and did what normal people do when getting ready.

"Well," I said when we were sitting down watching tv,"I should probably get going, the girls are waiting for me. We're going to a concert tonight."

"Ok babe. You guys have fun," he said. We both got up and he walked me to the door. When we get there, we kiss. It starts off going as a soft kiss, then it gets rough. Then it turns into a full on make out sescion. I started feeling up and down his chest, he gropes my butt. I wanted to stay there longer, but my phone rang. We seperated and I got it out and saw it was Sarah.

I answered it, "Hello."

"Hey babe, where are you?" she said.

"I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye." I hung up and look at Isaiah.

"You got to go?" he asked.

"Yeah," replied. I gave him a peck on the lips, and skipped to my car.

"Bye Zoey," he said while I unlocked my doors.

I lookd up at him and said,"Bye Isaiah." And with that, I got in my car and drove to the apartment. When I got inside, I got tackeled by questions about last night. I told them about Isaiah, and how amzing it was. They looked at me and laughed and smiled, at me blushing.

"Well, if we want to see Caged the Elephant in concert, we're going to have to leave in an hour," Maddy pointed out. We quickly got up, and I went to my bathroom to put my make up on. I put on black eyeliner that made my eyes dark and mysterious. I also put on mascara, which made my eyelashes long and lucious. I put on red lip stick to make them noticable.

I put on a yellow, fitted cage the elephant shirt with a skull under their name tucked into some high waisted black skinny jeans. I walked out and Sarah and Maddy gawked at me. "You look good," Sarah finally said.

"Yeah, they will notice you in the 3rd row. Especially since your shirt is so damn bright," Maddy said, laughing. Sarah and I joined in. "Well, how do I look?"

"Hot, and so do you Sarah," I said. Maddy was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a black, lond sleeved half shirt that said Ain't no rest for the wicked. It had a yellow skull under it. She had long eyelashes and hot pink lips that were glossy. Sarah was wearing dark purple skinny jeans with a similar shirt to mine, except the back ground was black and the logo was yellow. She had purple eyelashes and smokey eye shadow.

"Let's go put on our shoes, so we can go," Sarah said.

"Ok," Maddy and I agreed. I put on my red converse, Maddy put on black converse, and Sarah put on some purple and black converse. We got out purses and ticket and got inside Maddy's black Mustang.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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