Chapter Eleven.

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Enjolras POV.

I storm out of that café when I hear a noise. Ever so faint, delicate. I turn on my heel and see her. The girl who may be beneficial to the revolution, surely this can not be a conicidence. Perhaps she came to thank me for paying her bail, but no here she is, sitting on the street coughing, and ....holding my jacket?

I approach her and kneel next to her, "Éponine, you're Éponine right?" I decide to use a gentle tone, in case she is frightened.

She flinched a bit as I touched her shoulder.

"Yes I'm Éponine," she coughed again "You must be Enjolras...You have gone to quite a lot of trouble to cause me dismay sir" she accused me as she placed my jacket across my arm.

I was aghast, "Pardon me but, what ever do you mean?" Though she had spoken weakly, she still had such nerve.

"I was put in jail for trying to return your things." She answered sadly and faintly.

"Ah as I expected, and I am ever so sorry for that, but that is why I paid your bail. I knew it had been you." I regretted saying it, as soon as I had came out. I tried to keep my composure, but I was having a hard time.

She shot me a questioning face, "So, you were watching me?, I thought you were, I saw the place where you sat near the window in the bakery, but you were gone, but I knew someone had been watching, but why?"

She knew, although I hadn't actually watched her in the bakery, I was looking for her.

"Well..." I started, taking a second to gather my words. "I am in need of some assistance. I need your help, but a bunch of chaos happened, and now here we are." I choked out.

"What on earth could my meeble life assist you with?" She plunged back fighting a coughing fit.

"Ah, don't be so humble Miss Ponine I have heard far and wide of your ability to gather information, and I do believe I can help with that cough." I tried to sooth her attitude a bit, and helped her stand up. I took her hand and placed my other hand around her rib cage gently lifting her. I took my jacket from my arm where she had previously placed it and put it around her thin, boney shoulders.

"So it's a deal you want then?" She asked and watched my hands as I helped secure the jacket on her.

"Indeed, I need someone like you to have around. Someone who can get me information and is nifty, I will provide you with shelter and food and anything else you may need." I presented a better deal than I orginally planned. "Oh and of course help you get better."

She looked so completely puzzled, then looked down to discuss and sort her inner thoughts and then she looked up and gave me a small smile, "Ok, a deal it is." She held out her slim fingers for a hand shake. I put my large warm hand out on her cold thin ones, warming hers as our deal commenced.

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