Chapter Seventeen.

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Enjolras POV

She was, well, wow.

I still don't know what happened back there.

I was helping her and I guess I sorta got lost.

She has got these big brown doe eyes...

Never mind, cooking will be a good distraction, from, well my distraction.

I hand her the bread and some soup and she gives me this look that shows me how thankful she is for this. I see she is about to speak but I press my fingers to my lips, indicating that she need not speak. "Eat first, then we can talk."

I still need to hear her story.


I want to hear it. With every second that passes, I become more intrigued by her.

I know her life has been filled with dread and darkness.

Now, what makes it intriguing, is that, despite this clouded and dreary upbringing.

She seems so...light.

No, not just in her weight, I mean in her demeanor.

The way she walks with her shoulders back, not in the posh rich way, in the way that makes you believe she's here because the world needs her, that you need her.

In the way that she smiles and furrows her brow when she is in pain, trying to hide it, so that she won't be a burden.

She is light. 

I shake my head to clear it. I realize I was staring again.

I clear my throat. "So Eponine, as we go through this process,  I'd like to hear about your childhood and your life from then on, if that's alright"

She flinches and swallows her bite.

"Well, it all started out pretty good, mom and dad were happy, the inn was bringing in all kinds of money, I was ...treated like a princess" she chuckles lightly, realizing how sickly ironic it was that it all started like a fairy tale. She went on to explain how things worsened. She was telling of the "Businesses" she was forced into.

"Well, the way it worked was, if we (Her and her sister Azelma) didn't get a certain amount of "Callers" then we wouldn't meet the amount our father required, and as punishment, we starved. He realized he couldn't hit us cause then the men wouldn't want us." She spoke with such sorrow about the past, that it took everything in me to not pull her into my arms and tell her everything is okay now, but,

that would be Highly inappropriate.

Plus,I've vowed to not even feel things towards girls anymore.

So, instead I take the girls hand.

"I know this may seem irrelevant now, but just know, that everyday I breathe, is a day you are under my protection." I look in her eyes, I don't tend to show emotion a lot, but I guess this girl got to me cause my eyes, I'm sure, were gleaming, watered.

I stand up tall and nod my head like a gentleman.

"So, it is very clear to see that, poverty has driven your family into unorthodox habits and dysfunctional ways of living.  Your story, shall be remembered,not just for you misfortunes, but how you still stand strong and brave in this oppressive world, and if I may be so bold, I'd say that if were apart of my army, you'd be my strongest ally"

I smile, trying to ignore the blush to my cheeks

Eponine POV

I've always hated telling my story.


Thankfully, Enjolras is a good listener, he doesn't interrupt with concerning questions, but he does look genuinely concerned. And what he said, that he thought I was brave, well, I will never forget that, because I never thought myself to be brave.

Of course I could have pulled the water works, I mean I am here on the intention of beating him at whatever this game is, right? I'm honestly not so sure any more, I don't think he really has a game, all he seems to be focused on is this Revolution(a well needed one).

Personally, I have always been weary of rebellions, cause if they failed you were either dead or worse off then before, however, at this point, one of those options is better and the other is impossible, compared to the current situation.

"So, tell me about this Revolution, I want to know everything about it. Then I can advise on what's wise and not. I've spent a lot of time around army leaders and heard lots of secrets through closed doors. I can be a very valuable piece to this revolt."  I grin, devilishly. I know my self worth when it comes to these types of things.

All Enjolras can seem to do is grin and and start telling me about this crazy suicide mission.

~~~A few minutes later~~~

"No, no, no! You are absolutely insane, you're bonkers, this plan of attack will never work, the army will be able to overthrow you guys easier than it is for Gavroche to convince Courf to boy him ice cream." I say exasperatedly.

"I know it might be difficult but its the only line of attack that's even remotely possible, all others would be immediate capture..." He replies with a strained voice. It was obvious that he'd been through this before, he knew his options were slim.

"Give me some time and I can make it work, Give you guys at least a fighting chance" I sigh and look over the plans he had handed me earlier.

~~~~~ Authors Note~~~~~

Hey, so I'm actually going to finish this, I hope more people still read  it.

Give me feed back, its the motivation I need to write.

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