Chapter Eleven

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Ryan's Point of View:

When I saw dad and a big portion of my family there in Grandpa Joe's office, I just froze. How can Mom do this? How can Grandpa do this to our family?

Then I did something I wasn't proud that I had to do in order to get my cousins attention. I flirted with Jake, to get his attention. My plan somewhat worked but, didn't at the same time. He didn't realize who I was til after Aunt Bex took all us kids into the hallway for introductions. It was hard not being able to be myself while my brother was standing right next to Jake. So I did the only thing I could do. I introduced myself,

"Hello, I'm Rylee Solomon," they all looked at me in shock partly because, none of them knew my cover involved being Joe Solomon's granddaughter, my cover being related to my dad and brother, Jake never knew it was me, and Drac didn't even know if I was even going to speak. "And this is my friend Drac Abrams". After all the introductions were over, we all started talking about strategies and what not.

Cammie's Point of View:

On cue, when Joe said, 'Let me introduce to you all, Black Hawk,' I stepped out of my hiding place in the corner right behind Zach, and said, "Hello father," with a slight southern accent which made Zach jump slightly and turn around to face me. As my bright Green eyes met his Emerald ones, I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach and was trying to control my emotions,

"Hello daughter," Joe replied, and everyone's eyes went wide as their mouths dropped. I think it was because, no one knew Joe had a daughter, well technically he does which is, well me his adopted daughter, "she is my descendant and also a living legend. And has know Agent Abrams for a while now and are like brother and sister. I expe-"

"No dad it's fine. They don't have to be expected to act a certain way but at the same time, I don't want to be treated as a stranger either,"

"Very well," Joe replied and called Bex and the kids back into the room and began telling us about our mission and once he reach to the part about New York, Zach started to flip and before he could I had told Bex to take the kids out into the hall so no one could hear him.

"What do you mean New York?!?! That's one of the places where Cammie was tortured!"

"Zach calm down. She's there. If you want to find her, you have to learn how to trust. Just like when the exchange happen. Who helped you trust?"

"Cammie" Zach mumbled,

"You need to get your girl before it's too late. If you're four seconds late, it could be the end of hers and your daughter's life." Zach gasped and nodded his head in confirmation.

Time Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hours later of being in my old house and gathering information about, Cammie's location, well actually 'me and my location' with the gang almost feels like old times, except things change over time and this is a really big mission at extremely bad timing. Bad timing meaning, I know what Catherine's plans are. She's going fuse a bomb in Time Square. She's staying in an abandoned warehouse, 2 stories. First level- abandoned. Second level- technology, jail cells, drugs, weapons, you name it she has it.

While I was on my way to the bathroom I decided to slip into mine and Zach's old room and slip him another note on the floor by where the first one and made my way back toward the living room and was stopped by Josh. He said,

"We gotta talk when we get home," I just nodded my head.

When we finally got home that night at 2 in the morning. I was about to go to bed after I got the kids tucked in until Josh reminded me we had to talk,

"Cam. Zach told me to give this to you if I ever saw 'you' before the mission," in Josh's hand lie a letter from Zach. Josh handed me the letter gently, as if I was a fragile piece of glass. I opened the letter and read,

Dear my Gallagher Girl,

I will find you and my daughter. I promise and I will bring you home safe. I love you and wish you'd come home. We've got our team set up to find you guys even some of the kids and some other recruits. I don't know if I can trust them, the look in Joe's daughter's eyes reminds me of you. I just want you to know, no matter how long it takes, you will always have my heart, I love you and our daughter forever and always, and whatever happens on this mission you will always be, my Gallagher Girl.

Zachary Ryan Goode~


Running a little low on ideas but if I keep going at this rate then there will definitely be more Chapters than I expected to write and that's a good thing. I only planned on writing 13-15 Chapters but, I had a little help and have more interesting ideas. Get ready for an emotional ride with the upcoming Chapters.

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