Chapter Five

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Cammie Point Of View:

When I woke up the next morning I didn't want to leave the arms that were wrapped around me. That's when the flashback from the night before. Where I felt safe and secure being in Zach's arms...

"Hey, Cam I think we should renew our vows tonight. I mean, you never know what could happen between now and tomorrow or now til our next mission. So, tonight I wanted to reshow you, how much you mean to me Gallagher," I started wondering if Zach could be sikick or something, because I haven't told him, Joe hasn't told him, or the director, well I hope no one told him about the mission. All I could do was smile and nod because I was afraid my word might falter and betray me if I said anything. With that Zach took the kids to their Grandma and Grandpa Solomon for a little while and pick them back up before the end of the night. Afterwards, Zach drove us to the Gazbo. The Gazbo is where we had a CoveOps assignment with the coin back when we did that exchange with Blackthorne at age 15, Sophomore year. This place also brings back so many memories of that year but why did he choose here to renew them?

"Zach. Why are we here?"

"I chose this place to renew our vows, since I proposed to you at D.C. which was the place we first met. So I thought being here would be a perfect place to renew our vows. The place where one assignment changed everything for us. Along with all the other memories we shared in Sophomore year at this Gazbo," right then I smiled at the memory of when Zach first met Josh and Deedee. The next memory that came was when, we were being tailed at the fair, when Zach and I almost shared our first kiss. I could recall his words just like it was yesterday, " Just so you know Gallagher, I'm gonna kiss you," but of course that had happened just before I realized what Zach was trying to do when I spotted Josh through a window and at that same moment I realized we were being tail. Ahhh good times. But, all good times have to come an end, at least in this case will only be for a challenging term before we can resume back to our life. While I was remembering some other memories Zach had broken my train of though.

"Cam. I've loved you as long as I can remember. Which was probably since D.C.

I know I can be a pain and we may have arguements but they only bring us closer together than ever before. When we had our first child, it made me realize how much I wanted to be there for him and protect him from harms way and be there for him unlike my father that couldn't and I wanted to be a better father than mine, and I'm thankful to have you and this family of ours. I love you for everything you are and do for us. Thank you for the memories we have shared. All that I ask is, forever more I will always love you, no matter the risks. Will you stay by my side forever?" How could I answer him when I wasn't certain of my answer? I couldn't decide whether to tell him about the mission now or lie to him. I decided to do both. I will leave a letter for him to explain why I won't be home for a while and for the moment I will lie.

"Zach. I love you, more than words can say. And yes, I will stay by your side. I am also thankful to have you and our kids in my life. Just moments before you made your vow. I was reminiscing about our past and how many memories we've shared in the past years; good and bad. I love you no matter what happens, I will always love you. Never forget that. Whatever happens, please just promise me one thing. Please, please promise me to do whatever is best for the kids before you do anything stupid."

"I promise to do what's best for our children, to think of them before anything else, and to not do anything stupid without reason."

We had sealed our vow with a gentle, passionate kiss and pulled apart when we ran out of breath. Then, we embraced like neither of us wanted to let go of the one thing that kept us held to the ground. Personally, for me, this was one of the hardest things I had to do was, to let go of the one thing that made life living for.

End of flashback.....................................................................

When my flashback ended I was on the edge of tears because I didn't want to leave my family/ies and Zach. I got up before my tears got a chance to surface. Then I realized I only had 10 minutes til Zach noticed I was out of bed and my interal clock indicated it was 4:30 in the morning. Good I still have time before dawn to slip out without the kids noticing and my biggest fear was Zach. After about 5 minutes getting everything I would need for the mission and got dressed, it was now time to load everything into my black, Jeep Cherokee, the one our family took out for camping trips. Anyway, when I was done with loading everything, my internal clock indicated I only had 50 seconds to grab Morgan and get out of the house before Zach can stop me from leaving. I had 30 seconds left I ran as fast as I could trying not to make a sound and made it to Morgan's room with 15 seconds to spare to grab her and her togo bag. I ran us back to the Jeep and set her in the passenger seat and got her settled. Just like her father. A heavy sleeper til she notices somethings wrong. Once that thought surfaced I felt a stray tear drip onto my cheek. I wiped it away as I close the passenger door and made my way to the driver side with 3 seconds to spare. As I saw mine and Zach's room light flicker on, I was already taking the back way of our property, down to the lake where we installed a underground cave that we only took when escaping danger. In my case, this was the perfect time to put it into good use.

Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

About 3/4 of our way to Blackthorne to meet Joe, Morgan had started to stir from her slumber and all I heard her say was,

"Mommy, where are going?" I instantly regretted not telling her about the mission sooner, but how could I when I was with Zach (who could not know, by the way).

"Sweety, I'm so sorry. I didn't explain earlier but I need you to be a big girl and be the spy I know you are and listen to me very carefully. Can you do that for me?" All I got was her nodding and shifted in her seat to face me, indicating I had her full attention. I jad started to tell her about the mission and why we had to and we were meeting Grandpa Joe at Daddy's old school, which took all the remaining time. At the end of our conversation I told her, " we cannot say any of this to anyone. That's why we left and didn't say anything. You will also be attending Blackthorne and your name is Ryan Lee Solomon." After Morgan agreed in understanding, we had reached our destination and was greeted by a friendly face if Joe Solomon. Morgan didn't waste anytime getting out of the vehicle to run and hug her Grandpa. Joe had motioned for me to go around back and take thombs to enter Blackthorne so no one could suspect who I am and tell anyone.

After I got done with security entrance and what not, I was finally let in and was greeted by non other than some unexpected guests.


Sorry about the cliff hanger but I had to due to the planning I put into writing this. I promise you will forgive me when you find out who's there besides Cammie herself, Joe, and Morgan. Next chapter will be in Zach's Point of View. I would love to have people comment on my story so I know your guys's reactions and know if I should fix, change, or add something to hook more readers and I will also be having help by my cousin to help put more depth into detail with this story.

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