Chapter Fifteen

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Cammie's Point of View:

I woke with a start of my head throbbing, my body heavy, and my vision was in all sorts of blurs. I had a hard time remembering what happened and opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness, the only light came from under a door that looked to be steel.

After moments of just lying there and coming back to my senses. I finally, remember what happened last night.


Last night, while I was tailing Catherine in my cover. I was pushed into the wall and I fell head first onto the ground. The last thing, or shall I say things before slipping into unconsciousness were, 2 men and a woman.

--------End of Flashback-----------

While I stood up to my feet, I figured I'd try to find a way out. When I started moving my left leg, I started to fall. I leaned back so I wouldn't do a face plant. So instead, I landed on my butt. I then realized my feet were chained to the floor. Right at that moment I had heard someone speak into my earpiece, that I didn't even realize I still had on.

"Black Hawk are you there?" It was Townsend,

"Black Hawk, please answer," Joe pleaded,

"You better be there Girl!" Bex yelled,

"Come on. I don't know what's going on with you but if you won't answer us, please answer to this person," Grant implied,

"Mommy, I don't have a lot of time before dad comes back but," I heard a sob. That broke my heart, "please mom, answer them. I love you."

I finally realized that, I still had the piercing on my lip still on. What can it hurt to try,

"It's okay baby girl, I love you and be strong like the person you are," I said into my microphone that came out as a whisper and felt like sand paper burning my throat,

"Omg, Black Hawk are you still there?"

"Yes Bex,"

"Zach just left with the kids and, Liz and Jonas," that was a major sigh of relief, I'm glad Zach listened to me last night,

"Cam do you realize how long you've been gone for?" "2 days Cam! 2 days! Where the hell are you?"

"I don't know Bex. All I know is, I don't know how much time I have and tell Joe to turn on the tracking device that I have inside of me," I got a new one when I started this mission, so almost no one knew how to track me while my other one was shut off. Then, there was static. After that I slipped into a sleeping state once again.

Hours later I heard a door open and close. Then, someone started to kick me and telling me to get up,

"Get up you whore!" I had heard the voice many years ago but this one sounded dark and evil. When I opened my eyes, I looked to see who it was. It was, Dylan.
I stood up and he unlocked my chains. This is my chance, I hace to get out of here, I thought and made a run for the door. Well, I tried. Dylan grabbed me by my waist and held me in a bearhug from behind and knocked me out.

Next thing I knew, I was now sitting in a room, on an uncomfortable chair, and my hands and legs were binded to the chair in a painful matter. Then a woman came in with two men, one holding the other. Catherine. And the two men that are with her are, Dylan and he's got Josh in a Half Nelson so he wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

"Let him go!" I yelled,

"Oh dear, I'm afraid I can't do that," Catherine said as she was inching a needle toward Josh's neck. I started wiggling in my seat, trying to free myself, " unless, you tell me where Cameron Morgan is," I was about to blow my cover til, Josh mouthed the words, 'Don't. Take care of Drac'

"No Catherine," I held authority in my voice because, I knew Josh already set up a plan. That still didn't stop me from being scared of what will happen next.

Then, Catherine stuck the needle into his neck and said, " You have 10 minutes before the syrum takes effect," and left with Dylan on her heels. It was now just me and Josh in the room.

"Josh, why didn't you let me say it?" I asked out of concern,

"Because, you're too important. Zach would never be able to handle what's going on," he replied. Then there was a moment of silence.

Josh spoke again when our 10 minutes were about up.
"Cam, the syrum is taking effect. What ever happens, I'm sorry. Please forgive me," I was about to reply when the door burst open.


For this Chapter, I'm sorry for the way it's written. It's not my best work, I know. I wanted to give you guys something. I literally, almost ran out of ideas for this Chapter, that's why it took so long for me to update.

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