Chapter Thirteen

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Ryan's (Morgan's) Point of View:

After spending sometime with mom she finally told me about that I don't have to be under disguise anymore. After, I show dad who I really am under my cover.
I was in total shock but happy that I could be with dad, even for a little while.
After a while, I was off down the hall with Jake while aunt Bex was helping mom get ready. When I was outside the door all thoughts were swarming inside my head like, What if dad's mad at me? How will dad react? How will my brother react? How will everyone else react? I was fretting about all sorts of things. Once I collected my confidence together I opened the door as Jake followed me in, to see my brother Grant crying and my dad holding him and trying not to cry himself. Once I came into view of them Grant wiped away his tears as my father jumped back, I ran toward Grant so he wouldn't see me cry then he asked,

"Wh-what are you doing weirdo?" That may have offended me if he knew who I was but he didn't neither did dad. I pulled away and nodded toward Jake to give us a moment. Leaving, my dad, my brother, and myself the only ones inside the room. Then my father asked,

"Who are you? I never got your name. And why did you hug my son?"

"I should've done this a while ago but couldn't. My mother got permission for me to do this and I was sent on this mission with both of my Grandpas to report back to her of what I saw and to also keep me safe," they both stared at me with blank expressions, "maybe this would help," I pulled off my black pixie cut wig and saw their expressions change in an instant. Then my father got down on his knees and held me, "Daddy, I'm so sorry I couldn't do this before," I couldn't hold back my waterworks anymore and balled into my dad's chest,

"Shhhh, it's okay baby girl, I love you. I'm glad you're here and safe with us," he said and kissed my temple, "it's all going to be okay," he said quietly. I then replied,

"I know daddy, I know," then I proped my head onto my dad's shoulder to get a better look at Grant, "Grant I'm sooo sorry I did this to you and Matt, I had no choice,"

"I know Sis and I'm grateful you're here with us," dad unwrapped his arms around me so I could go over to Grant to give him a proper hug. Which he gratefully accepted by squeezing me tight in a bear hug,

"Grant you can loosen a bit, I'm not going anywhere,"

"I know but I'm too afraid of losing my baby sister again," as his grip loosened all I could muster was,

"I love you too".

Our little family reunion was ruined by a knock at the door,

"Listen baby girl, while I get your mom back, you and the other kids have to stay with aunt Liz and uncle Jonas," I just nodded. Then, the door opened and I saw uncle Josh standing in the doorway. I didn't care if dad and brother knew about Josh being mom's twin, I just ran up and jumped into his arms saying,

"Uncle Josh!"

"Hey, Kid," he then whispered," did mom tell you to blow your cover?" I whispered back saying,

"Grandpa did," he just mouthed, 'oh'. Then dad came running up as uncle Josh was putting me down,

"Morgan, you know who this is?"

"Yep! He's mom's brother," I replied. Dad's eyes got big as if he was thinking, 'why didn't she tell me'. Uncle Josh must've answered the question for him,

"Zach, I know how this looks but, we only found out a few weeks ago,"

"That's when she disappeared, you idiot!" Then dad went at it with uncle Josh,

"Dad stop it! He didn't know! Stop it!" I was about to jump on dad's back when I was held back by my brother, I turned into his chest and started crying. Not because of what dad had said and his reaction to it but because if what I saw. I saw what it was doing to dad about the situation of me and mom on this mission he can't know about. My father has gone crazy. Dad must've realized what he was now doing because as I was whimpering he turned around and saw what caused me to cry and realize what he has become,

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