Chapter Twelve

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Zach's Point of View:

After everyone left last night and the kids were tucked in. I found a letter from Cammie and then another in our secret passage way. I decided to open that one first. It read,

Dear Blackthorne Boy,

I'm sorry about not being able to tell you this in person. If I could I would explain everything but I can't until after the mission. My mission will last at most 5 years and I hope I, Morgan, you, the boys, and everyone that knows about the mission can be able to keep calm until I return. You are aloud to have visitation with Morgan any time you and her would like. I love you with all my heart and I'm doing this mission to keep our family safe. I'm sorry for not being able to keep the promise I made the night we renewed our vows, I'm so sorry Zach I have to do this to you, the kids, the family, it's not fair to anyone. I love you Blackthorne Boy never forget that.

Gallagher Girl~

The next one said,

Dear Zach,

You have no clue how much it pains me to see you like this. All I have to say is after this mission you are on, this will be your last, Joe and I already have your teaching scripts in for CoveOps to fill in for Joe while he's at Blackthorne and when he is at Gallagher, you will teach along side him. All of our other friends are doing the same, I will as well. The boys will be enrolled into Gallagher where they will be safe. On my mission in New York, I'll see you but you won't see me. I love you and see you later.

Cameron Ann Goode~

Cammie's Point of View:

After I read the letter last night from Zach, I had no nightmares. But today is going to be a different story. Today will be the start of not just any mission for me but, I will also be living a nightmare til the team decides to leave New York and go home. Today was the day that I will be going back to one of places, I was tortured. I'm not worried about what will happen to me. I'm worried for our crew, my kids, Josh, Zach, and everyone else that will be put into danger because of me.

Time Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hours later on the plane ride was a painful silence for me and Ryan. Seems how he can't know who we are. Once the plane landed and we made our way to the hotel Macey booked us which tonight there was going to be a ball. Hopefully tonight I'll see Catherine and destroy her along with that warehouse she's been staying in, that way things can go back to the way it use to when Catherine was supposedly 'dead'.

Once everyone was settled into their rooms, we began room arrangement. Bex assigned the rooms,

"Macey, Liz, and Jonas will be sharing a room. Zach, Grant, and Josh will be sharing a room with Jake, Drac, and Grant. Black Hawk and I will be sharing a room with Rylee. Of course Joe and Townsend will as well. Zach, Grant, and Josh will be training the boys and Rylee for fighting. Liz and Jonas will be on research about the party and who will all be there. Black Hawk, Townsend, and Joe will be out in the streets and finding information. Macey and I will be out getting disguises for the ball." With that everyone got to work.

10 minutes later. Me, Townsend, and Joe were out on the streets looking for Catherine and trying to tail her so we know where the warehouse is located in case one of us gets kidnapped and to kill Catherine and destroy her plans before it's too late. In this case before she get me and my family. And placing a bomb in Times Square.

3 hours on the street and still no action til, Bex spoke in to my ear piece saying,

"We have activity. We're being tailed and making our way back to the Hotel." Not even a minute after, I saw a reflection of a woman with long Red hair and Emerald eyes buying a silver watch at a flea market stand with a syringe in her coat pocket. And then I realized it was, Catherine. I decided to tail and told Joe I would let him if anything happens.

As I was tailing Catherine. I saw her stop and talk to someone. The person she was talking to Dylan. Why is Dylan here? I thought. I haven't saw him since the day of my final Exam for the first semester Sophomore year.

"Hawk (Joe Solomon), I have eyes on the subject. She's not alone. She's with Subject number 2. Dylan," I then saw Catherine brush past Dylan the syringe, "she just brush past a syringe to Subject 2,"

"That's good Black Hawk, make your way back to your room,"

As I got to my room I heard excitement. Most of it came from Macey,

"Oh my gosh! So you know when Cam's coming back?"

"Well no. Not exactly. It is certain that her mission is quite similar as ours. And if my theories are correct then, she is indeed here tonight," after Zach's reply, Bex pulled me into the hallway,

"Cam, if Zach doesn't see you at this ball, all hell will break lose,"

"I understand Bex. What are you inquiring?" Her answer is what shocked me the most,

"We need Black Hawk to be somewhere else. But Cammie has to show up. I got you another room and already placed the stuff you will be needing."

"Okay, let everyone know that I went back to headquarters to get some clues and will be at the ball closer to midnight". With that Bex gave my room key and we embraced and broke apart before anyone suspected anything.

I went down to my room. When I walked inside I saw a black dress that faded to blue at the bottom hanging on the closet door. On the bed sat a pair of black heels and a shoulder length Carmel colored wig. Then sat a burn phone and a note beside it. The note was from Joe.


I know I and Townsend are going against violations to have you be yourself at the ball but, Zach needs you for this one night. So I asked Bex to buy everything you'll need for tonight. The burn phone is for you to call Zach, I'll send Morgan over with Jake so you can tell her to take off her cover and when Morgan's ready send her back with Jake and Grant will come get you.

~Joe Solomon~

I did as the letter directed me to do. I called Zach. The phone rang and my son Grant picked up the phone,

"Hello?" He said,

"Hey buddy! Let me talk to dad,"

Zach's Point of View:

Little Grant came running up to me with my phone in his hand with a shocked and teary expression on his face while saying,

"Hey mom, here's dad." It was my turn to being shocked. Lil' Grant handed me the phone,

"Hey, Gallagher Girl,"

"Hey, Blackthorne Boy," I could tell she was holding backs tears,

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just, I couldn't keep your promise," I stepped into the bathroom,

"Shhh sh shhh, baby. Don't worry about it. When you come home, we'll be together again,"

"Yea um, Zach. I won't be home for 5 years," this is where my craziness kicked in,

"No no no. Cam, you can't be away that long. You know what I went through in High school when you went MIA for months, I don't know how the kids will handle it? How I will handle it?" That's when I heard crying on the other line,

"You don't know how bad it hurts me to leave you and know what will happen. That's why I made you promise me not to do anything stupid without reason," there was silence after that til Cam broke it by saying,

"Don't come looking for me tonight. I'll find you. I love you and see you then,"After that she hung up.

################################################## I know not my best Chapter but I didn't want to go too deep into the story. I promise soon you'll know what happens next. Comment if you think or would like the cover to be updated. I would also like to thank aaliyahmoore21 for helping me last night for giving me some ideas. If you're into werewolf fiction I advise to check out My Mate Who Killed My Brother By aaliyahmoore21.

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