Mithross - The Red Sun Sends Its Love

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Ross' POV

Finally, I had control.

I stumbled down the halls. I had heard its plans. I knew what it meant to do. I had to stop it. I had to save Max.

Ross! It screamed. ROSS!

"Shut up." I hissed back.


"I don't care." I said, my head spinning an throbbing. "I'm going to save Max from you."


"You can't have him."

I gasped as a wave of shock ran up my spine, my legs shook so bad I almost fell over. I had to hurry, before it took my back. Then Max would be doomed. "I won't let you kill Max."

I felt him trying to leave, trying to escape my body, as if he knew what I was about to do. LET ME GO! It shrieked, pounding against the walls o my skull and making my head and heart pound.

"No," I gasped, stumbling down the hall. "You're going down with me. Back to hell where you came from."

ROSS! "Let's end this." I said. "Once and for all."

It continued to yell and pound and try to escape. But I wouldn't let it. I couldn't let it. After all that it has done, it's time I took it with me

I tried to speak, but nothing came. Only another wave of searing pain and another surge of blood. I must have severed my vocal chords when I cut my throat open. But I wanted, no, I needed to tell Max that I loved him.

"Don't give up Ross! I can save you! I have to save you! There must be something I can do!" Max stumbled over his words, his mind jumbled in a frenzied panic. I didn't say a word, I just shook my head. He and I both knew deep down there was no saving me.

It was better that way.

I reached up to stroke his cheek, looking into his eyes, searching their depths, trying to tell him what I couldn't with words.

I love you, Max.

By the look in his eyes, I could tell the message registered, and he screamed, sobbing with renewed force. My heart broke to see him like this.


Don't cry.

I don't want our last moments together to be shared in sorrow.

I don't want you to cry.

I want you to smile.

Because I want happiness for you.

I love you.

More than anything else.

"Ross! DON'T YOU GIVE UP ON ME YOU BASTARD! NOT AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH TOGETHER!" He howled, clutching my head closer to his chest, doubling over with the force of his grief and shielding me in his arms. I wanted to reach up and hold his hand, but my strength was dying. I was dying. I wasn't strong enough.

Not strong enough to save Jin.

My eyes swelled with tears, but they wouldn't spill. I closed my eyes, letting Max stroke my hair and litter kisses on me. His apologies were growing fainter. It was going dark, it was cold. The voice of the demon within me was silent. Silence in my head for the first time in a year.

Finally. Peace and quiet.

In the silence, I heard's Jin's final words coming back to me.

"For better, or for worse, until death do us part."

Everything went dark, and I was gone.


Max's POV

Suddenly, he went limp. Ross hadn't been very tense in the first place, but every muscle that was clenched even slightly before seemed to release all at once. I was covered in blood. And when I looked into the eyes of my lover, I saw nothing. Listless, cold eyes. The light had gone out.

"NO!" I screamed, unable to think. My vision was blurry. This couldn't be reality. I had died and I was in hell. There was no reality, no life without Ross. No logic or reason. All I could see were the dead eyes and the blood on my hands. I was a murderer. I killed him. I was a monster.

"ROSS! ROSS! ROSS!" There was nothing else I could say. No other words came to mind. "ROSS!"

Finally, there were no more words left to say. I screamed, long and loud, without end or reason. Sorrow, pain... No. This wasn't pain. Pain wasn't enough to describe what I felt, sorrow was to happy, loss not great enough for what had happened. There was no words for what I felt. I was alone. Alone in a maze of concrete walls and corpses. Holding the cold body that carried so much love.

That had carried so much love. But there was no love left. Not in Ross, not here, not in the world. No love.

I was alone.

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