Mithross again because I can I own this account and I AM YOUR GOD

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The life of a human being is by far the most complicated thing in the universe. There are atoms and weather and compounds and planets and ecosystems. But no, life is some crazy shit. It's like a cosmic joke mixed with a middle finger and a slight dash of shit hits the fan. Life can be easier or more difficult depending on who you are. Being Ross, life is infinitely more difficult.

For one thing, his loud and unique personality causes him trouble. People make fun of him, he gets in trouble and breaks laws, he pisses people off... Many difficulties and obstacles. And that's his personality alone. Life for the poor narwhal is confusing. Life without someone to help him through it wouldn't just be horrible, it would be unbearable. Everyone has someone they rely on. The people who don't, don't succeed, or at least aren't happy. So Ross, like everyone else, has a best friend, someone who loves and guides him through everything in his long, confusing life.

That person, would be Max.

Many people, as mentioned earlier, find Ross to be annoying. Max is one of those people. However, Max tends to be more forgiving, more understanding. Whenever you'd expect Max to run away, or abandon Ross, he is loyal and determined. He listens to Ross, lends a shoulder to cry on, Max always comforts him. The two are inseparable.

Whenever life gets Ross down, he can always count on Max to come and pick up the pieces. Pride abandoned, Max will hold him, whisper encouragement in his ear, dry his tears. He has seen Ross at his best, his worst, and rock fucking bottom. And Ross will always return the favor for him.

Why? Why would they stay together for all those years? All those memories, good and bad? Secrets that have been shared, some mildly embarrassing, other dark and disturbing. Why would their friendship endure the test of time? The answer to that is simple, actually.

Because Max and Ross love each other. Their love transcends the laws of man, the eternity of time, and the darkness of all evil and embarrassing moments. Because their love is stronger than they can even bear.

Max and Ross' love is stronger than life itself.
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah, I'm not sure if this is romantic or platonic. I think it's more platonic love in this particular fic than in others, but feel free to interpret however you please. And, as always, check out House_Owner
-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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