SkyDoesSomeSrsNonsense - she keeps me grounded

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Adam had a lot of struggles in his life. He owned a company. He managed a workforce and an entire group of channels. Worked for long hours five days a week and was a father. He had to deal with the stress of being a celebrity and the hate and harassment that came with it. Without her, Adam was sure he would have gone mad.

Alesa was his wife. Adam couldn't think of anyone he'd rather be married to. Alesa was smart and artistic and funny. She was kind and thoughtful and when she held Mason in her arms and smiled that special motherly smile of pure and unconditional love, Adam couldn't help but think she was the most beautiful woman alive.

After Adam got home from work, he would be exhausted. Physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. It was usually late in the night. Alesa would be waiting for him. Sometimes she was awake and she came to the door to meet him. Wrapping her arms around him and just holding him in silence. Sometimes she wouldn't even be awake. She would be lying in bed with her hair tied up and no makeup on. Mason was in the bedside crib sound asleep and Alesa had folded the sheets back on Adam's side of the bed, knowing he would be home soon. And he would climb into bed with her and hold her close and she would snuggle into his arms subconsciously. He would fall asleep holding her.

Unfortunately, work wasn't the only thing that emotionally drained him. Adam had depression and sometimes it would hit him. Without rhythm or reason. Adam would just find himself down. Not wanting to do anything. Not wanting to get out of bed and face the day. Alesa never asked why he was sad. She just knew. She never even had to ask. She just knew when he was felling down. Alesa would hug him, kiss his hands and cheeks and talk. Just to talk. She'd talk about the dogs or about things Mason was learning or about shows she was watching. Anything just to talk and take his mind off things.

Or she'd take his hand and lead him out of the house without saying a word. They'd get in the car and drive through the night. They would drive until the sky turned gold. Sometimes thy would just drive around and look at the trees. Other times they would get food or walk around a little gift shop and look at the trinkets they had on sale. Or stop at a gas station and buy the Popsicles they sold inside and eat them sitting on the sidewalk outside. Watching cars pass by as they held a sleeping Mason.

In times like those, Adam felt so grateful to have someone that understood.

He didn't know how he got by before her. Without her in his life, he would have given into the the stress of his everyday life. Even with the help of his friends, which could only take him so far. Only Alesa could help him in the way that she did. Sometimes, she couldn't make him forget. But she did help him through it. Through the pain and the sadness. Mostly, she took away the loneliness.

He wondered sometimes if he did the same things for her that she did for him. If the things that he did was even enough to repay the gifts she gave him. The companionship, laughter, even his child. She was a gift in and of herself. Adam aspired to be the man she deserved. One worthy of her time and love. In the end, Adam knew that she was his true love. The one he wanted to be with until his days ended. Because Alesa kept him down to earth in a world that seemed too quick to make it to space. Alesa was the one with the key to his heart. And Alesa was the one who made Adam who he was. A man, a father, and someone who was hopelessly in love.


This is the second straight thing I've written for this book. Sorry not sorry. I'm having many emotions right now and I just need to get them out. I'm not even sure if any of this makes sense. But I needed to say it. So here are my emotions.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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