Off to the Mansion

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Your POV
     You opened your window and looked out into the night. Seeing the stars reminded the nights you and Toby would spend sitting on the swings at the park and watching the stars. He wasn't really as in to watching the stars as you were, but he enjoyed watching  you watch the stars. You missed him, a lot, and it's only been a few days since you'd seen him and you'd never see him again. Or at least that's what you thought.
      As you broke out of your daydream, you looked out into the woods across from your house and saw a tall man wearing a suit. He had skin as white as paper, and he didn't have a face. You recognized him instantly, he was the man that Toby called Slenderman. You slammed your window shut, even though you already knew he was staring at you. You started for the door but as soon as you got one hand on the doorknob there was a noise from behind you. You turned and saw the tall man who had teleported into your room.
     "Are you (y/n)?," Slender asked peering down at you. "Umm, y-yes," you stammered, very nervous. "I need your help. I would normally never turn to a mortal to help, but I'm afraid you might be the only solution. I need you to fix Toby," he replied. You thought for a moment, you wanted to help Toby and see him again, but you were afraid to go with Slenderman knowing that he was the one who compelled Toby to kill his father.
     "Alright, I'll do it, for Toby," you replied after giving it some thought. "Very well then I will take you to my mansion immediately," he said. Slender quickly teleported away. "How do I get...," you started to ask as you were also teleported away. "...there," you finished as you looked around and found yourself right outside of a mansion in the middle of the woods.
     You opened the door to find a large living room with a few people in it. Some of the Creepy Pastas you had read about already, like BEN Drowned and Eyeless Jack, but others you were unfamiliar with, like Masky and Hoodie. BEN was the first to notice your arrival and he ran up to you asking,"are you the girl who is here to fix Toby?" "Yeah, I'm (y/n). Could you take me to Toby?," you replied. He nodded and lead you up stairs and into a hallway with doors lining both sides. This must be where all of their bedrooms are, you thought. He took you to the last door on the left side of the hall. "Well, this is his room, good luck," BEN said, leaving you all alone in the hall.

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