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     You were about 5 hours into your movie marathon day, just starting to watch the first Saw movie, when Toby started to lose some interest in the movie, and gain more interest in you. He started off by doing a fake yawn and putting his arm around you, incredibly cheesy yet incredibly sweet. Then a little while after that he grabbed your hand with his other hand and held it. You giggled, saying," Toby, how are you going to eat popcorn now?" He smirked at you and replied,"well, I-I guess that you'll have to feed it to m-me then."
     Toby didn't realize that telling you that didn't turn it into a mush fest of you feeding him popcorn, but instead every time his mouth was open, you threw a piece of popcorn into it. "Y-you know that this wasn't quite what I h-had in mind," he said with a laugh. Once the first Saw movie was over he decided that you two needed a little movie break.
     Toby kissed you on the cheek and told you to wait there while he ran upstairs. He was only gone a few minutes, but in those few minutes you got comfy and laid down on the couch. When he came back downstairs he was carrying a gift bag. Toby smiled down at you, picking your legs up off the couch and placing them down on his lap once he sat down. "What's in there," you asked pointing to the (favorite color) paper bag. "I-it's a surprise, just for you," he replied smiling even more.
     You quickly sat up on the couch next to Toby as he handed you the bag. "What is this for," you asked him a bit confused. "Well, y-you used to complain a-about not having anything t-to wear to go enjoy the r-rain," he replied. You lifted out of the bag a pair of black rain boots. "Aww, I love them Toby, thank you," you said excitedly, hugging him. Then you added in a whisper,"can I go test them out? Pretty please?" He nodded, taking your hand and leading you out of the front door.
     It was down pouring as the lightning flashed somewhere off in the distance and you heard the light rumble of thunder. "This is freaking awesome," you yelled to Toby as you twirled around in the rain. "I-it really is," he said, standing there watching you. Your outfit was soaked and so was your hair. You looked at the ground feeling self conscious, thinking that you probably looked like a drowned rat. Toby walked over to you shaking his head, saying,"I know t-that look, I've s-seen it way too many times." He put a finger under you chin, slowly lifting it so that you were looking into his eyes. "(Y/n), y-you look beautiful," he said to you.
     Then Toby kissed you again, but this time was different. This kiss was longer, but just as soft and delicate as the last. You put your arms around his neck and when he finally pulled away, you buried your face into his chest. He looked down at you with a smile. He tucked your hair behind your ear and then whispered to you,"I d-did always want to kiss you i-in the rain."

*OH MY GOD, OVER 400 READS? LIKE WHAT?! So after my little freak out session, I just wanted to thank all of you guys for reading, commenting, adding this story to your reading lists, and all of that fun stuff. I love writing this story and I'm glad that you guys are at least kind of liking it too. So anyways, thank you so much!*

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