Chapter 2

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Wow this place seemed so familiar. Wait those moutains and castles are from my dreams. Is this a dream? Did I get electrocuted and pass out? Yes this is just a dream oh well might as well enjoy it while I can. I wanna take pictures maybe if it isn't a dream I'll be able to see them later. Wait where's my phone? I thought patting the bottom of my dress. Wow where did these clothes come from? You know they're pretty cute though. Cute black dress, fishnet stockings, and cute boots. "Hey you!" I turned around and saw a very cute guy coming towards me. Oh he's the guy always in my dreams. "Me?" I asked. "You're the only you here aren't you?" He said to me. "Yeah but that's not my name." I said back a little more rudely. "Well sorry. What's your name then?" He asked flirting. "Brooklyn." "Well Brooklyn I'm Drew, by the way, what's wrong with your hair?" "Nice to meet you. Hint my sarcasm. There is nothing wrong with my hair by the way." "It's purple." He said like I didn't know. "Yeah it's called I dyed it. Duh!" I said, dang he may be cute but he is a little rude. "Well it's.....nice, anyway you need to come with me." He said holding out his hand. "Why should I go with you?" I asked putting my hands against my chest. "You're THE Brooklyn right?" He asked. "I don't know how many Brooklyn's come here?" I asked. "Only one. But I don't think you're her. She's fearless, confident, beautiful." He replied. "Oh so I'm not any of those things not even beautiful? Wow. You know you're not exactly perfect yourself!" I said defensively. "Thats not what I meant. She has to save Luthopia. And she has to go through some pretty tough stuff to save it, and I'm just not sure you can handle it." He said. "Excuse me but you don't even know me." I screamed. "Fine you're right. How about this, you come with me and prove to me you're the Brooklyn. Ok? And if you aren't you're on your own." He said softly. "Fine!" I screamed. "Fine." He smirked at me. I walked into a random direction. "Babe this way." Drew said to me giving me that same stupid little smirk. But I have to admit I like it. I walked towards the way he said, him behind me. I come across a path not knowing which to take. Drew came up from behind me and said "this way" and grabbed my hand. His hand is so much bigger compared to mine. But I like it. "Stay as close to me as you can." he said and turned to look me in the eyes. "O-ok." I said stuttering. Smooth Brook smooth. We arrived to the end of the path and arrive in a weird town. "What are those things?" I asked talking about the flying things above me. "Shhh quiet! They are demons. They have amazing hearing so be quiet." "What if they do hear me?" "I run away and let them take you." He said smiling at me. I hit him playfully and tried my best not laugh loudly. "I'm just joking babe. That's why you have to stay close they only attack one person. So if we stay together it'll be harder for one to attack us." "Oh. But won't your girlfriend the other Brooklyn get upset to see you with another woman?" I said teasingly. He just smirked at me. "To be honest babe I said that to make you jealous. It worked." He winked at me. "I am not jealous!" I shouted. "Shh quiet! No need to get defensive babe. Brook there's the path, come on let's run for it." He said already running. "But what if the demons try to attack us?" He stopped and turned to me. "If they try to attack I want to you to leave me behind. Ok? But don't worry if we run fast enough we can make it to the path. The demons never leave the town." He said confidently. "Ok." "Ok you ready babe?" "Ready." He grabbed my hand once again and counted down to 1. We started running, the demons started coming towards us. We were so close to the path but my stupid clumsy self fell and scrapped my knee. But before I could stand up I was lifted up. I closed my eyes afraid to see what picked me up. Then whatever was carrying me was slowing down. "Babe we're out. You can open your eyes now." I opened my eyes to be met by Drew's green ones. He put me down on a tree stump. "Here let me look at your knee." I pulled my dress up a bit so it's not over my knee. He looked at it and touched it. I flinched. He looked at me "Can you walk on it?" "I don't know." I stood up and try to walk on it, but I just fell down. Drew helped me back up on the stump. "Um...there is another village a little ahead. I'll patch you up there." He said so cutely. "No I'm fine I can go." I stood up and just fell again. "Babe stop standing up!" He said picking me up and started carrying my bridle self. "Can you not call me babe?" I said looking at his beautiful face. "Why?" He said looking down to meet my eyes. "Because it's weird." I said looking in his wonderful green eyes. "Whatever babe." He said smirking at me. Dang that smirk. I never thought a little smirk could give me so many butterflies. We arrived to a little town in no time. He walked into I'm guessing a bar but there weren't any people.

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