Chapter 7

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"AHAHAHA you really believe you can defeat me? That's pathetic Drew you're to afraid to fight me when your little girlfriend isn't here oh but when she comes you get the guts to fight me." She said blasting at Drew. Then she was looking at me and said "Oh so your the Brook that's going to defeat me. Ha you got scared when your eyes changed you weak little thing." "Hey she wasn't scared she didn't know" Drew said taking part of the rooms banister, throwing it, and smacking her with it. "AHAHAUGH" She gnarled at him. "You think a banister will hurt me?" She screamed at him, then broke a huge piece of ceiling and throwing it at him, and hitting him right in chest. I heard him grunt when it hit him and then I heard a loud "CRACK." I don't know if it was him or the ceiling but whatever it was, it was sickening. Seeing him on the ground hurt made me pissed off. "How dare you hurt him you little beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeep." I screamed at her and then I was on top of her kicking her and punching her and making her bruised and bleed. When she finally threw me off, I landed on my feet and then she screamed "Killing me won't help your little boyfriend" she said pointing at Drew under the part of ceiling moaning and trying to get up but he was to weak from pain. "Uh uh Drew" I screamed trying to get over there with tears falling. She was zapping at me with lightning and throwing fire balls at me trying to stop me but I wouldn't give up, I couldn't give up not for anything, I couldn't give up for Drew. "Drew, Drew, Drew, please be okay!" I screamed in his direction. I heard him trying to breathe and it was like he couldn't catch his breath so I think it was his ribs that made the cracky noise. Then it was silent and I heard his last, long, quiet breathe, then it was silent again. I lost it. I felt so bad I was balling, and if he died I would have no one to run to, but I didn't give up. I fought Raven and after a lot of blood (hers), tears, and sweat I finally defeated her. I ran over to get the part of ceiling off of Drew. I heard him silently moaning. I tried so hard to pick it up but it was so heavy. I screamed for help and then some guards came and helped me get it off him. When we got it off he curled up and moaned. I fell to the ground and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey you'll be fine Drew you'll be fine." I said over and over again until the EMT's came. Then the EMT's called for an ambulance, and took him to the hospital. Addie came and yelled at her sister "I told you Brook would defeat you, you idiot!" Addie came over to me and said "He'll be fine trust me he's in good hands." Then we heard the ambulance taking him away. Addie then asked "So what happened after I was taken away?" I tried to get my voice and then tried to say even though I was stuttering "She she was yelling at at him and and then he he he threw a part of the railing at her and he he hit her and then she she threw part of the ceiling at him and either bro broke or or or crack cracked his ribs." I said the last words and then I started to ball. Addie got the guards to arrest her sister and then take me to the hospital to see Drew. The ride there took forever but we finally got there after passing a lot of weird towns. Then when we went in the hospital and I sat in a chair away from people. Then I went to the sign in place and the lady asked "Who ya here for." I answered stuttering "Drew Hart." She said "he's in room 34 b. Are you family?" "Yes, I'm his sister." I said walking back there. Then I knocked on the door to hear a doctor say "hello" as she opened the door. "Who are you?" I stuttered "Brook Hart." "Oh are you his sister?" She asked me. I nodded my head yes. "Oh well I'll leave you two alone, if anything happens just yell." She said walking out and then shutting the door. He was lying on the bed shirtless and he had a lot of bruises on his chest. I felt so bad and I frowned. "Hey don't feel bad babe it wasn't you're fault." He said smirking. "So are you okay?" I asked. He said a little unsure "Well it hurts when I take deep breaths and sit up." I gave him a frowny face. "What do you do when you need to go to the... ya know the...restroom?" He just smiled. "Ya know I just pee here. I go duh." He stuck his tongue out. "Oh shut up you butt head." I said crossing my arms and huffed at him. "Awe come on babe don't be a grumping gill." He said smirking at me. "Whatever butt head." I said trying not to cry. "Hey why ya gonna cry?" He asked sadly. "Because I let this happen to you!" I started to ball. He sat up and gave me a hug and didn't let go for a while. "Hey your not supposed to be up Drew." The doctor said pulling me off of him and sitting him down on the bed and then said "Lay down I need to see if your ribs are getting better!" Drew tensed up when she felt his ribs. "Does that hurt?" She said moving her hand up and down his chest. Then she got to the middle of his chest, he tensed up, moved her hand away, then held his chest, and rolled over. "GET OUT" She yelled at me. I ran out while more doctors went in. I heard him scream and then I started to ball, scream, I started to bang on the door, and then someone got me, and threw me outside. He slammed the door shut, I jumped up, and was trying so hard to get in the hospital kicking, rattling the door, but he was holding the door shut so I couldn't get in. "Please please let me in" I started to ball and then I slid down the door and laid down at the bottom of door crying with my head in my knees. The dude let go a little later and I ran in. I got close to his door and hid when someone would come. I heard him in there groaning and screaming, I felt so bad that I started to cry, but I was quiet. I heard the doctors yelling but I didn't know what they were saying or if they were yelling at Drew or each other to get something but all I know is that they were yelling loudly. Someone came out and I jumped back were they couldn't see me I heard someone else say "Thank you." "What were they doing to him?" I wondered. A lady came out and I asked her "What were you doing to him?" She answered shutting the door "Is it any of your business?" "Yes actually it is my business because he's my brother and I don't think it's okay that your making him scream on the top of his lungs!" I said with attitude. She said staring at me and trying to keep calm "He was screaming because we had to help...""HELP last time I checked helping is not making someone scream!" I said cutting her off.  She said "Oh are you a doctor, NO! SO WATCH WHO YOU SCREAM AT MISSY!" I cleared my throat and said "Tell me what you were doing to him!" Tears were falling but I played it off like I wasn't crying. "Oh honey don't cry he's fine now and I'm sorry for screaming at you it's just I'm not allowed to tell you but if I could I would, trust me. Well I think you should go in the waiting room. " I went in there and sat down. It was quiet in the room because I was the only one in there.

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