Chapter 5

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I was really anxious to get to the castle. I wanted to find out why my eyes were rainbow. "What happened to the snow?" I asked when we were no longer in snow. "The Princess's castle doesn't get snow on the castle. Only around." "That makes sense." I said sarcastically. "Did you put the snow clothes over your dress?" Drew asked. "Yeah." I replied unbuttoning my coat. "Ok then just take the winter stuff off." I did as told and he did too. I took my heels out of my bag and tore off my boots. We started walking to the castle with the clothes back where we left them. I never walked in heels so I kept stumbling. "Walk in heels much?" he asked sarcastically. "No." I said sticking my tongue out at him. As we approached some stairs I see a woman in a blue dress running down the stairs. She turned and looked at us and started running towards us. "Drew! So good to see you again!" She said and hugged Drew. And to be honest I didn't like it. I mean even though me and Drew aren't a thing and never will be I still get jealous. Why wouldn't I she's pretty and rich. And I'm me and poor. "Who's this pretty young lady? And why are her eyes red?" Great now my eyes are red. "This is Brooklyn. We don't know why her eyes are like that, so we came to you." Drew replied. "Oh well come on into my castle. We'll figure this out." I grabbed Drew's arm so I wouldn't fall. He walked me slowly up to the doors of the castle. "Um Drew why don't you go see ferdinand. He's been waiting to see you." She said pointing down a hallway. "Ok sounds good." He said leaving."Brooklyn come with me." I followed her into some weird room. "I think I have an idea of why your eyes are changing. Ok um how would you like to join me for a ball tonight. As a guest." She said looking in a mysterious book. "A royal ball with like princes and stuff?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah." She said flipping through pages."Of course!" I say happily. I may be 16 but I still love princess stuff. "Do you think Drew would like to be my date? He's rather cute. When I see him I just want to kiss him!" She said and that ticked me off a bit. "I know what is wrong with your eyes!" She said happily. "Your eyes change depending on your mood. Rainbow is happy and red is mad. By the way don't worry about me taking Drew from you. He's my cousin." She said. "Thats so cool! But bad at the same time. And I'm not worried about you taking Drew I don't even like him." I said back. "Sure. I know when I talked about going out with him you were mad because you were jealous. If it helps I think you two would be really cute." She said back. "Yeah but he's two years older than me." I said as my eyes change a light blue. "Who cares two years isn't that bad." She says trying to cheer me up.  "Can we just change the subject how did you know that they were my moods anyway?" I asked questioning her. "I have to know everything that goes on in order to be queen one day."  She said quickly. "Why aren't you queen now?" I asked wondering. "Because of my older sister. She's the reason Luthopia is going extinct. She doesn't take care of this place like she should. She just cares about herself. That's why you need to kill her in battle so I may take my rightful place as queen." She said angrily. "But what if I can't?" I asked scaredly.  "You will trust me." She said confidently. "Uh Princess Addison.."  I said before she cuts me off. "Please just call me Addie." She told me. "Ok Addie um is there anything that will happen to me? Like will I get powers? I heard from these two guys that I'm not really Brooklyn because she has powers." I say quietly to myself. "You are the Brooklyn. Your powers will come soon just be patient." She said softly. "Thanks." I say to her for making me feel more confident. "Yeah no problem. Hey wanna ask Drew to the ball." She said with a funny face. "No!" I screamed at her on accident. "Why he'd go with you." She said trying not to laugh because I got so nervous.  "What if he doesn't? What if he finds someone better at the ball?" I said nervously. "Oh my gosh your eyes are purple! Anyway he won't he likes you trust me." I just shook my head no over and over. "Fine. I won't ask him. But you're still going." She said smiling at me. She walked to the door and yelled "Drew get ready for the ball!" Then she came back to me and grabbed my hand. She dragged me upstairs and into what I'm guessing is her room. "Don't take this the wrong way Addie but for a Princess you don't act so posh like the rest." I said as I'm being dragged upstairs. "I do but when I'm with my family or friends I don't feel the need to. But if I'm around other princesses and fancy people are here definitely." She said back. "What if I don't act right? I'm not from the upper class. I'm from middle class." I say trying to wiggle my arm free. "I'll teach you what you need. Now come on pick a dress." She led me over to a humongous closet that looks like another room. There are dresses everywhere. So many to choose from I don't know what to choose. "Here try this." Addie said handing me a black and blue dress. I liked it. It was like a skirt in the front then like a dress in the back. But I don't think it's appropriate for a fancy ball. "Addie. Do you think this appropriate for a ball?" I asked looking at her. "Yes it'll be fine." She said back. I put it on and it fit. I also put on some fishnet stockings with it too. Addie picked a cute pink puffy one. She did my hair so nicely. "How do you know how to do hair like that?" I asked. "I'm a princess I have to be able to do my hair. Don't I?" She said smiling. "Yeah but normally they have people to do it." I said because it's true. "I don't feel the need to have people when I can take care of myself. I'm not a child." She smiled so did I. She did my make up and in the mirror my eyes were gold. Gold is beautiful, purple I think is nervous, blue is sad, rainbow is happy, and red is mad. I don't know if there's any others. We were finally ready and the people were already there. They were waiting for us I mean her to make her entrance. We went out to the hall by the stairs and she turned to me and said "You ready?" "Yeah." I said confidently. Addie and I started walking down the stairs. I could see people talking and pointing at me. I began to lose confidence, and I think Addie noticed because she grabbed my hand, and mouthed "You're fine" and smiled. I smiled back and kept my head held high. I was trying to look for Drew but I couldn't. I'll find him later. We made it to the bottom and the first thing I went for is some food. I haven't eaten in two days well except this morning. I mean it's actually normal for me because I don't get hungry much. But I need food now! As I was getting my food all of a sudden I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "You look absolutely stunning babe." It was Drew. I turned around and smiled. "Thanks." I continued to get some food. So did Drew. I found an empty table for Drew and myself. We ate in silence, mostly because we couldn't hear over the music. After we were done Drew came close to me and said in my ear "dance with me." All of a sudden I got nervous again. I never danced before so I don't know how to. He put his hands on my waist.
I just kinda stood there not knowing what to do. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his neck. I had to really reach up to his neck. I'm a lot shorter than him. I'm only 4' 10.5" inches. I stopped growing in the 6th grade. I come from a short family so it's not much of a surprise I'm this short. Drew on the other hand I would say is like 5' 10" I don't know though. "Did you find out what was with your eyes?" He said curiously. "Yeah! They match my moods!" I said excitedly. "What?" he asked screaming over the music. "Hold on!" He said to me. He took my hand and took me upstairs. "Here now we can hear each other." He said after shutting the door to what I'm guessing is a guest room. "What I said was they change with my moods." I said smiling. "Oh cool. So whats the purple?" I got nervous again. What if he won't like my moods. I mean like maybe he doesn't want to know them. If I'm mad or sad. It'll probably get annoying. Like imagine him taking me to meet more people. Like "Hey meet my weird friend that eyes change with her moods." weird. What if he makes fun of me for being nervous? "Um.... Nervous." I said looking down. "Cool. I think your eyes are beautiful when they're purple." He said I blushed. "What's gold mean?" He asked lifting my head with his hand on my chin. "Beautiful." I said embarrassed a bit. "Rainbow?" he asked. "Happy." I said. "Red?" "Mad." "Amazing." "Hey Brooke! You wanna see something amazing?" He said smirking. "Sure!" I say as he grabs my hand and leads me up another set of stairs. He led me to a room where there is this giant clock but I can see out of it. I can see the view of the whole kingdom. "This is amazing." I said astonished. "It is. Like you." He said looking at me. "Wow. Cheesy much?" I said back. "Maybe it is cheesy. But it's true." I look at him and he starts to lean in. This is the most perfect place and time to kiss. Right as the sun is setting at a place with a great view. He was so close. Our faces almost touching. "Just tell me if you want me to stop." He said. Then our lips collided. His lips were so soft and plump. He didn't kiss too soft or too rough. It was perfect. This was the perfect first kiss. He pulled back all though I didn't want him to. "Sorry." He said. "It's fine. That was my first kiss." I said a bit embarrassed. "Perfect." He said smiling. "What does pink mean?" He said thinking its in love. "What?" I asked. "Your eyes they're pink." He said astonished. "Oh I don't know." I said scarcely. "Oh." he said a little disappointed. I don't know is pink the color that is used for love. But do I love him? No I only knew him for two days. But maybe I do.

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