Chapter 18

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"Brooklyn, I've known you for a while now and you didn't even know it..." he chuckled. "Every second more I spend with you makes me love you even more. Will you marry me?" He asked pulling the ring box out of his pocket and opening it. "Yes o yes a million times yes!" I screamed as he put the ring on my finger. The ring was a silver band and on the front it wrote love. He stood up and kissed me. Addie started sniffling. We kissed for a while then we let go and I couldn't stop smiling. "I'm so happy for both of you." Addie said crying her eyes out. Addie could sense I was about to ask but she said before I could "don't worry Brook we have everything set up. All you need to do is come with me to get a gown." Addie said holding her hand out. "Oh okay." I said grabbing her hand. She drug me to the car and we got to the store. I tried on millions of dresses until I found a short dress, with lace at the top, and a blue ribbon across the middle. It was only 58 dollars which surprised me. "So who's all coming?" I asked sitting down on a bench. "All of Drew's family's and mine. You know when you marry him you'll be Princess Brooklyn?" I got a huge smile. "I didn't know Drew was a Prince." I said. "He doesn't really say he's a Prince because girls would just like him because he's a Prince." Addie replied. "Hm...I didn't like him just because he's a Prince.." I started. "I know, you didn't even know he was a Prince." She said replied. We got in the car and I asked "when are we getting married anyway?" I asked looking over at her and grabbing the door. "On your birthday duh." She said slapping her forehead with her hand. We got home and Drew was on the phone. "Who ya talking to?" I asked sitting next to him. "No one of your concern babe." He said putting the phone on his chest and kissing my cheek. "Mleh." I said sticking my tongue out and kissing his lips. He continued talking and then he hung up. "Who's you been talking to?" I asked. "Me's mommy." He replied looking down at me. "Awe I miss my mommy." I replied crying. He just grabbed me and hugged me. I just cried in his side. "Hey it'll be okay you'll have my mommy." He said rubbing the side of my head and pulling me on his lap. I just looked up at him and he wiped my tears away. "She's a good mommy, she loves me, she takes care of me." He said in a little baby voice. "All my mom would do was yell at me." I replied frowning. "Awe it's okay my mom won't yell at you she'll love you." He said putting his arm under my legs and squeezed me into myself. "Ooh I hope not." I said being squished. He stood up and carried me around. His chest was so warm and cozy I felt safe in his arms. "Um what are you doing Drew?" Addie asked poking him in the side. He didn't flinch or do anything he just said "what am I not allowed to do this?" She just gave him the look and walked away. He just laughed. "When's your mommy coming?" I asked snuggling up to his chest. "Tonight, she was on the road when I called her." He replied. "Oh so soon? What about your daddy?" I asked then buried my face into his chest. "My daddy's coming with my mommy." He replied pushing his chest out. "What's your parents names?" I asked pushing my head into his chest to move it back to the normal position. "My daddy's name is Andrew Hart Sr. and my mommy's name is Tracy A. Hart." He replied feeling smart. "What's your parents names?" He asked. "My moms name is Isabelle D. Anthony and I don't remember my dad's name." I said holding back tears. "Oh I'm sorry I I didn't know." He said setting me down and squeezing me. "It's okay my dad wasn't all that amazing." I said mumbling in his chest. "Hey tree don't kill her!" I heard Addie scream and pull me off. "Hey give me her back." He whined. "No." She replied sternly. I got out of her grip and went over towards him. "Ha tree gets pretty girl." He said and turned around and said "gets on me back." I jumped on his back and I felt so high up. He ran in circles around Addie until we heard a car door. "Ugh they're here." Drew said stopping short and slamming me into him. The doorbell rang, I got off his back, and he opened the door. "Drew honey you're okay oh we wanted to go to the hospital but we just never got the information." Drew's mom rambled on. "Mom mom it's okay I'm okay." Drew said trying to calm her down. "Oh yes we heard about Brooklyn." Drew's father said looking back at me. I smiled and Drew turned around and held out his right hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me and said "yep she was there everyday that I was in the hospital." He said then looked at his left wrist slickly. "So why did you want to marry my son?" Tracy said. "Mom!" Drew whispered loudly. "Well I've known him for a while and I just wanted to. I guess." I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Oh well I can't wait to have you as my daughter-in-law." Tracy said smiling. "Um where are we sleeping tonight because I'm whooped." Andrew said yawning and Tracy yawned. "I'll show you." Addie said motioning them to a guest room. "So you're a Jr. why didn't I know this?" I asked. "There's a lot you don't know about me sweet cheeks." He replied smirking. "Fine you safe, tree." I said and then tried to get away. He grabbed me and tickled me. "No no please stop." I stuttered between breathes. He stopped and I just ran into my room. He ran in after me and scared me. "AHHHH!" I screamed running into the closet. He just laughed and opened the closet door. "Leave me alone." I cried in the corner. "No." He insisted smirking. "Why you crying?" He asked kneeling down in front of me. "You scared me." I replied shriveling up. "Awe I didn't mean to make you cry." He said moving next to me and putting his arm around me. *yawn* "it's okay." I said almost falling asleep. He picked me up and put me in my bed. I fell asleep as soon as he laid me down. I woke up and looked at Drew laying still, little to no chest movement.

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