Chapter 9

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I was balling in my hands and everyone could hear me and I didn't care. I so badly wanted Drew to be okay I was driving myself insane. Then I thought I heard him scream and I just fell on the ground and I was curled up in a ball crying and I made a puddle. Addie screamed "Brook oh my god why are you on the floor?" She screamed picking me up. "I I thought he screamed again!" I said scared. She just held me for a while and said "No no he didn't I think your just so used to it and sad about it you're just hearing things!" She said holding me still. I just cried in her arms until a doctor came out of his room. I looked up and and he walked over to us. "Do you want to see him?" He asked. "Uh but I don't want anything to happen when I'm in there." I said slowly. "I was already kicked out of there twice so ya I don't need a third." He just looked at Addie and asked again "Would you like to see him?" "No no I think I'll just stay and keep Brook off the floor." She said looking down at me and I just gave her a big big smile. She smiled back. I was so upset that this happened to him him of all people. I was so p... o.. about it I wanted to kill Raven or make sure she was actually dead. I actually wanted to see him but I just couldn't have to leave because he couldn't breathe again, that would just throw me over the edge. I went up to a doctor and asked "Um so when ya think he'll be okay?" I was getting up on my heels with my toes in the air and then on my toes with my heels in the air. "Well a normal person takes about 6 weeks but with him maybe 10-12." "Www weeks?" I asked gulping. He nodded his head "yes." Then I saw his X-rays in his room and it showed most of the ribs broken and then there some with hair line fractures in some of them and then others weren't even hurt it looked like it hurt. I said to Addie "Do you think we could just go home?" She said. "Yes do you just want to sleep in the palace now that it's mine?" I shook my head yes and we left to go to the palace. "Oh and one more thing when Drew wakes up tell him we left." I said walking out. We went to her car and I had shotgun. The drive back home didn't take because if your driving with the queen you can do what ever you want. We got home at about 10 and I went into bed not caring that I was still dressed. I woke up with Addie on the phone. I didn't know what they were taking about and what they were saying. She just looked at me and put the phone on her shoulder and said "It's the hospital." I jumped up and went up to the phone so I could hear what they were talking about. I heard they were saying something about Drew. I could hear what Addie was saying. She looked at me hung up the phone and pointed to the car. I asked "What why." She just pointed at the car and said "Get in!" We ran to the car and then she drove as fast as she could to the hospital. Then she said "Drew woke up and wanted you!" We finally got to the hospital and we ran inside. I ran into his room to see that he was laying there and he was crying. I asked him "What's wrong?" With tears falling out of my eyes too. He just looked at me and said "Brook I don't think I'm going to make it but if I don't just know I always will love you and if I do..." He stopped and looked at me then he finished "I will hold you in my arms and never let go." I started to ball. And then Addie came in and asked "Hey what's wrong guys?" I just stood up and turned around and said "Oh nothing were just talking and I just felt bad about the pain he's feeling?" I didn't want to tell her the truth because well ah Addie's not really the type that would be able to handle that. Addie walked out to leave us alone. I went to the side of his bed went on my knees and said "Drew don't think like that you'll make it trust me I won't let anything happen to you!" Practically screaming and crying. He wiped away my tears and said "I'm sorry Brook I don't know what came over guess I'm just going crazy being in this hospital." He smirked at me. I gave him a little smile and I said "hee hee yeah maybe we're all going crazy." We both laughed and I went silent. Obviously I fell a sleep in the car because I woke up kicking the window. "Wow ya weirdo what did the window ever do to you?" Addie asked. I went in his room to see he was still sleeping so I guess he woke up and fell back asleep. I tried to shut the door as quietly as I could but he woke up when I fully shut it. He rolled over to face me. "What up you weirdo?" I asked kneeling down by his bed. I could see the bruises were healing. "Hey your bruises are healing!" I said excitedly. Then my smile turned to a frown because he said "I don't mean to rain on your parade but my ribs are still broken only the bruises are going away." I just gave him a sad face. "I feel really bad." I said with a my sad face. "Why ya feel bad babe?" He asked me turning my frown upside down literally he put his hand on my face and made me have a fish face. We both laughed and I moved my head away from his hands and said "Because, look at you, you're in the hospital..." "Hey it wasn't your fault Brook." He said cutting me off. I looked at him and said "I know I just feel that some this WAS my fault." "Well it wasn't you're fault." He said with a straight face. I punched his arm playfully. "Ow hey you bully." He said rolling over holding his arm. "Hey you roll back over here you butt head." I said slapping the floor. He rolled back over and smirked at me. "Did that really hurt you wimp?" I asked him poking his arm were I punched him. He moved his arm and said "No no don't poke me and no not really your not that strong!" "Hey you know you're  lucky your hurt or I'd mess you up!" I said at him playfully. "As soon as I'm out of here you and me fight to the DEATH!" He said pointing at him and then me. "Fine name a place and time!" I said punching my hand. He said "Um in the parking lot as soon as I'm out of here babe." "Hey don't you babe me!" I screamed at him. He smirked at me. "I'm glad you came." He said smiling. "Why did you want me here any way?" I asked him. He said "Because you know how to make me smile when I'm upset." I said. "Awe you're so cheesy!" I smiled. I started to realize this wasn't a dream but I didn't care now because I'd never meet someone like Drew.

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