Chapter 11

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The nurse left and he asked "So sis' how ya doing?" He smirked. "Well uh how else would I be able to get in here dork." I said defensively. "Hey calm down I'm glad you lied and got in here or else I would be so bored!" He said rolling on his back. "So when ya get out a here?" I asked rubbing my chin. "I dent know but I can ask the nurse later and tell you tomorrow." He said rubbing his belly. a nurse came in and said "What are you doing Drew?" Then she laughed. "Oh ya know just rubbing my uh my belly...stomach." We were buckled over laughing well ya know the nurse  and I because he felt embarrassed. He had the straightest face ever. The nurse left and I said making him smile with my hands "Hey don't be so grumpy." He just smiled and stuck his tongue out. "You know what I meant right?" He asked with a frowny face. "Yes it was just funny." I said smiling. Then it was about 7:00 and a nurse came in and told me "its time to leave." I got up to see Addie waiting outside. I got in the car before she did and then she asked me "so what did you talk about in there?" "Oh ya know not much." I said. "Huh cool." She said as we pulled out of the parking lot. The drive went slow but then we got "home." I kicked my shoes off and jumped into bed and as soon as I hit the bed I was out. I woke up with a huge crash of thunder and I was slobbering all over the floor so I guess I fell on floor when I was a sleep. I got up looking like a mess and walked to see where Addie was. She was in the living room looking at the clock. The clock just kept blinking 12:00. I slapped my hand on my face and said "ugh no power great but could we still go to the hospital?" She said "if the storm passes then yes." I went to the bathroom to do my hair I pulled up into a big purple mess but I didn't care. I grabbed a purple tutu and my black tank top and sat in a chair. The storm finally passed and I jumped up and screamed "LETS GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" I didn't know it had been a few weeks. We got in the car she drove slow on the slippery roads, sped up when we passed puddles and water flew up the sides it was awesome. We got there and I ran in to his room and he just looking at me with a huge smile and he laughed seeing me running. "When can I beat you up?" I asked sitting on the floor next to the bed. "In a little and I might be able to get up!" He said smiling weirdly. "Yaaaaaa" I said shaking my hands being sarcastic. "Oh shut up" he stopped because he didn't know what to say. I just laughed at him. "Leave me alone jerk." He said rolling away. "Hey no come back here please?" I said laying on my face pretending to cry. "No I stay over here you hurt me feelings." He said facing the other way. "Fine you jerk!" I said siting up and facing away from him. "So when can you exactly come home?" I asked still facing away from him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "I already told you in a little if you'd pay attention." He said trying not to laugh. "Fine that just means longer for me to get ready to kick your butt!" I said punching my hand repeatedly. "Pff ya okay." He said sarcastically. Then a nurse came in and told me to leave or stay away because he was gonna stand up. I crammed myself into the corner across from the door. He took a breath and made a "humph" noise and sat up. The nurse asked "does it hurt at all anywhere?" He just shook his head and said "nope not at all." "Do you think you stand up and go over to Brook?" She asked moving out of the way. He just had a half smirk and put his muscly arms on his side and stood up. He pretended to wobble. "What are you doing?" The nurse asked. "Oh calm down I'm just being dramatic I'm fine I've just laid there for so long..." he stopped. Then he just started walking over to me "I thought if I would be there any longer I'd forget how to use my legs. So when am I getting out a here?" He asked lifting his legs up and down while stomping. The nurse said as he was walked closer to me "well if it doesn't hurt now and you are all healed up tomorrow." This surprised us both. Then he finally got me and it was so slick he put his hands around my back and slouched down and kissed me. He was still facing me and asked "so what do I do now?" The nurse told him "come here and lay down so we can see if you're all healed up." He walked over, sat down, and laid down. The nurse was feeling his ribs and he didn't flinch. Then she was at the middle and he just tensed up a little. "How bad does that hurt?" She asked. "Well um not much but it's still a little sore." He said calmly. The nurse said looking at me "well he can't leave until all of his ribs are healed so maybe in a week he'll be able to leave." I just shook my head and sat down on the floor. He just looked at me and said "hey babe what's wrong, I'll be out in a week and be happy." I just said smiling "I know but I just want you to be out!" "Too bad I have to stay in here!" He said playfully. It was quiet for a while until a huge crash of thunder broke the silence. Then all the power went out. I saw the emergency lights turn on I looked at Drew and he just smiled. "AHHHHHH!" I screamed when the window flew open. He got up and closed and just looked at me then said "wow drama queen." I just gave him a straight face. "Oooh well sorry it scared me." I said with attitude but in a funny way "and I thought you weren't allowed to stand up?" "Uhhmm..." He said walking towards the bed. He put his finger on his lips and said "shhhhh." I just laughed at him. "Well I guess I gotta head home." I said with a sad face. He just looked at me and said "I don't want you to leave yet." I said standing up "but too bad butt head!" And then I walked out. "Wait!" I heard him scream. I stopped in my tracks. "Do you know why I waited so long to defeat Raven?" He asked. "No why?" I replied and asked. "I knew if I would get hurt, you would get pissed off and kill that person." He replied. I tried not to smile but then I left. Then I saw Addie was waiting for me. She unlock the car door and I got in and sat down. She got in locked the door and we were off. We got home and I wasn't all that tired but Addie was she nearly killed us twice falling a sleep on the road. I just decide to sleep in a shirt that was way to big for me. I got into bed and tossed around a lot and I think I fell off my bed once. I got up and laid back on my bed. I looked at the clock and 4:04 glowed purple. I finally fell a sleep a little after that. I was having the best dream until I woke up. I looked at the clock and it said 4:03 PM. I slept for 12 hours straight. My stomach was growling like a dog ready to bite. I went in the kitchen to see Addie on the phone. My eyes got big and I guess she knew what I wanted to know. "Oh okay ya she's up now do you want to talk to her?" She asked. She handed me the phone and I said "hello?" "Well good afternoon my sunshine." Drew said. "Omg I'm so sorry I slept in!" I said with my voice lined with guilt. "Hey hey it otah don't be upsthet." He said really weirdly. I giggled. "Well, I got to go see you tomorrow hopefully you don't sleep in." Drew said. I stuck my tongue out and made a "mleh" noise. I hung up and sat down. She just looked at me and laughed. "What what what's wrong? Is there something wrong?" She just shook her head and laughed. I just watched tv for about an hour and them grabbed some supper. I ate
some chicken and laid in bed and played an my iPod. I fell a sleep with my iPod in my hand. I woke up with a shriek coming from Addie. She then screamed "Sorry just a night mare!" I chuckled and fell a sleep again. I woke up licking the pillow. I thought "awe this poor bed all I've done to it." I was so tired I fell a lot. Addie and I went to the hospital and tomorrow, if he's healed he can leave. I asked the nurse and she sent me to his room. I went in and he wasn't in there so I guess he went to the bathroom. I sat in the chair and started to fall a sleep. I woke up on the floor with Drew looking at me smirking. I yawned and put my face on the ground. He put his arms on my stomach and picked me up. He was strong but gentle. I wasn't even standing by myself but I stayed up mainly because he had his arms around me. My head was down and my eyes were closed. I don't know what he was doing but whatever it was I didn't care I was way to tired to pay any attention. I fell a sleep in his arms then I woke up again facing him so I guess he twisted me around. He just smirked at me, I gave him a little smile and yawned again. "Cheese how tired are you?" He asked with his beautiful hazel eyes open wide. "Very, ob," I started but was interrupted with a yawn "viously if I can't even keep my eyes open." He just pretended to let his arms go so I would fall. I wrapped my arms around his back. "I'm up!" I screamed. He just gave his cute little laugh. I looked down and saw there were still bruises on his chest so I loosened my grip on him. We stayed like that for a while until he finally let go. I let go a little later. He went over and plopped on the bed. "Oh so you get 12 hours of sleep yesterday and your dead tired today. Weirdo." He said laying on his belly facing me. "Well sorry I'm tired." I said in defense. He said happily "hey tomorrow I can get out a here." Then he smiled really weirdly. A little later I was tired again. I looked at the clock and it said 6:35. I just smiled at Drew and fell a sleep again. I kinda woke up and I realized Drew was carrying me to Addie. He laid me down on floor and a little later I woke up but he was gone. Addie was just looking at me. I stood up and coughed. We got in the car and we went home. I laid down and tried to sleep but couldn't because I was coughing up a lung. Addie came running in and took my temp and I had a fever. Then and right then and there I had to throw up all over her. I felt so bad and I was throwing up so much I could barely breathe I ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth and threw up in the toilet. I heard Addie pick up the phone so I guess she was talking to a doctor or Drew. I was to busy throwing up everything I ate in my life. A little while later Addie came in with her hair pulled up with some puke in her hair. She grabbed all my hair into a big purple blob. A little later while I was still throwing up someone nocked on the door. She ran to get it. Opened the door and a nurse came in rushing to the bathroom. "Oh my dear!" She said looking at the throw up. The toilet was overflowing. A few doctors came in with a stretcher and a big bucket. So I guess it's my turn to be in the hospital "whippee" I thought. So I was rushed to the hospital and I guess Addie was right behind the ambulance. The doors flew open and we came rushing through. With me still throwing up. Addie ran in a little later. I saw her as we turned towards Drew's room. I saw he was outside. His eyes were full of terror as he saw me rush past on the stretcher. We went into a room and I don't remember any of it because I blacked out as soon as I got off the stretcher. I woke up with a nurse sitting in my room. The door was open and then she said "she's awake Drew." My eyes widened. He came in with his eyes still full of fear. He sat next to the bed and gave me a little I'm glad your okay but I'm still sad smile. He just took a deep breath and tears started to fall. "Hey now why are you crying?" I whispered because I couldn't find my voice and my throat hurt from throwing up. "I just want you to be okay." He said slowly still crying. He looked so cute crying. "Don't worry I'll be fine." I said slowly too. He leaned over the bed and kissed my forehead and got up and left. Then Addie came in. Her hair was cleaned though. She just looked at me like I hate you so much. I just gave her a I sorry smile with a little fear in my eyes. She just laughed and came over. "Okay you could've just said you didn't like my hair, you didn't have to throw up in it." She gave me a straight face but then laughed. "So what happened?" I asked. "Oh you know you just got sick and threw up a lot." She said happily then madly. "Well I didn't know that." I said sarcastically. She just said "ooh your lucky your sick or I'd punch you. " my eyes widened. "No no please don't." I said scarcely. "Don't worry I won't when you get out of here Drew will." She said smiling. "Uh no no he won't." I said quickly. "Speaking of which when will I get out of here?" I asked as soon as a nurse came in. "Maybe next week?" She said unsurely. "Oh thank goodness it's Friday." I said relieved. "Next week when?" I asked. "Tomorrow at the earliest." She replied. "Oh okay cool." I said as they both left and Drew came back in. I hated seeing him like this upset and before hurt. I love him to much to see him unhappy. He came in and sat on the floor where I usually would sit when he was in bed. "So..." he cleared his throat "when ya gettin' out a here?" "Saturday at the earliest." I replied. "Good good." He said suspiciously. I just smiled at him. "Bleh!" I said very fastly. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked very worriedly. "Oh I just thought about last night all the throw up everywhere. It make me tummy hurt." I said with my lips out far and rubbing my tummy. He put his hand on my tummy and rubbed it to. I just laughed because he was so perfect and funny. I just love him. And I think he loves me too. Addie just came in and bursted out laughing. "Oh my gosh Drew it looks like your rubbing Brooks baby. I don't know what I thought you were doing in your room before." Drew stood up and said "cheese and your supposably the royal princess." "Hey I had throw up in my hair. I don't think I'm that royal." She said pointing at us. I just had a little smile. Then they left and shut the door. They were standing outside talking about something. I turned my body around on the bed so I could hear better. I was moving towards the door when I fell off with a loud "ugh!" Drew opened the door to see me on the floor on my back with my feet on the pillow. He just smiled then came over, picked me up (cradling me) and walked me outside. My arms were just hanging. He was walking everywhere so I didn't know what he was doing with me. A nurse came up to him and said "Drew she's not supposed to be up." Then crossed her arms. "Up bup bup bup she's not up I'm holding her so she's perfectly fine in my arms." He said. I just slouched in his arms. She gave him a raised eyebrow and pointed to my room. "No I can't get there I'm still a patient." He said facing the room. "Go!" She said quickly. Drew took a deep breath and said "fine" and walked towards my room. "Sorry I couldn't get you were you wanted to go." He said laying me down. I had some confusion in my eyes. "Wait wahu, you mean you didn't want to go around the hospital! Then why were you on the floor?" He asked. "Uhmmmm... no comment." I stuttered out then rolling over away from him. "Hey get back here." He said rolling me back over. I just gave him a little smile. "So what were you doing on the floor?" He asked already knowing the answer. "Eavesdropping on you and Addie." I said frowning. "Well thanks for being honest and we weren't talking about you babe." He said lying. I knew he was lying because he smiled a little but I didn't say anything. "Well I think I should go back to my room just to leave." He said getting up. He kissed my forehead and left. I turned to face the clock and it said 7:56 pm. I just shut my eyes and fell a sleep. I hated being in the hospital and hated that Drew had to stay even longer because of me like really he just got cleared but no he has to stay for me. Ugh I just had to throw up the night he was leaving. I woke up and he was in my room sitting on the chair, still shirtless but I didn't know why. He was just sitting there and then he came over. He said "don't feel bad about me having to stay here, ya know I'm not leaving here without you in my arms." I started to blush. "You stayed here for me and came back everyday so it's my turn now." I just smiled and blushed again. He just smirked at me. I didn't feel sick at all so I wondered if I could get out tomorrow. A nurse came in and I asked her "so can I get out of here tomorrow?" She just shrugged her shoulders and said "if your able to leave then yes. Do you feel sick at all?" "No I feel better than before." I said. "Well I'll go ask the doctor." She said leaving the room. Another doctor came in with this weird stuff. He told me "sit up please" I sat up and stood up slowly so I wouldn't get nauseous. I stood there and he asked me "does your stomach hurt? Does anything hurt?" I shook my head no. "Well you just need to do some paperwork and you can leave. Drew are you able to leave?" He asked. "Uhhmm the nurse didn't tell me." He replied unsure. "Well go back to room and let Brook get dressed and fill out her paperwork." He said opening the door. Drew walked out and I changed and pulled my hair up and walked out to do the paperwork. I got done with it and went in Drew's room. He was laying on his stomach on his bed pouting. "Hey why you so grumpy?" I asked sitting. "Because I have to stay even longer!" He said madly. "Why why do you have to stay longer?" I asked worriedly. Then he rolled on his back revealing the bruises were back and they were worse than before. My eyes widened and I said "oh my gosh." "And that's not the worst part." He said with tears in his eyes. "Wh...wh...what's the worst part?" I stuttered. He finally said "some idiot doctor let go of a cart and was coming straight for me and it slammed right into my chest!" Tears started to fall slowly then they just gushed out. I ran over to the bed and fell on my knees right at the side of his bed. He put his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his hand. He just smiled a little smile. "It's not fair, I got out before you and you've been in here for more than 3 months." I said still crying. "Hey I'm upset about it too but I'll be okay babe." He said whipping my tears. I just stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say and I was crying so much I couldn't find my voice. He just kept his hand on my cheek whipping my tears away with his thumb. I felt so bad I was crying so much I couldn't breathe but I quietly cried.

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