Chapter 4

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"We my dear are going to meet one of the princess. The good one." He said. "Oh my gosh I'm going to meet a Princess!" I said jumping up and down. "Exited much?" "Very! Wait I can't meet the princess looking like this!" I said looking down at my clothes. "Well it takes a while to get there. First we have to go through fairy forest but they are the good faries. So there you can get a new outfit. Also why are girls so obsessed with their clothes? Then we go onto a train and it will take us as close to the castle as possible. Then we walk the rest. Then before you know it the princess is face to face with you." He said. "Perfect." we walked for a long time I was getting tired. "How much longer?" I said complaining. He just looked at me with an are you serious look. Ugh I hate all this walking where is that train. All of a sudden I see this tree with fairies flying around it. "Are we there?" I asked excitedly because now we don't have to walk for awhile. "Yep." He said walking towards the fairies. Wow this place is amazing. This one fairy comes up to us and said "Hey Drew. How's it going?" "Good. How about you Tabitha?" He asked smiling to the fairy. "Eh. Who's the chick?" Tabitha asked looking at me. "This is Brooklyn." He said trying to grab my hand. "A pleasure to meet you Brooklyn. I can't wait for you to save Luthopia!" she says to me. "Neither can I." I replied. "So where you guys heading?" Tabitha asked curiously. "To see Princess Addison." Drew said. "Dressed like that? No way. BOYS!" Tablitha yelled. All the boy fairies came rushing over to her. "Take Drew to get dressed properly to meet Princess Addison." Drew went with the fairies into some weird tree. "Brooklyn come with me. I'll help you get ready." She said smiling and flying. I followed her into some weird underground place in a tree. Cool right. She picked out this cute blue and white dress that had a blue bow on it. Some cute heels to go with it. She is not a small fairy none of then are, they are actually tall. She has a good fashion sense too. She put some blue eye liner on my bottom eye and then put black eye liner winged look on the top. She put some mascara on and some nice soft pink lipgloss on me. She curled my hair and let it down. That was it. We went back up and out of the tree stump. The first thing I saw was Drew in a suit and boy did he look fine. Thank goodness he can't read my mind. He looked at me and just starred. "Do I look that bad?" He walked towards me and grabbed my hands. "You look absolutely breathtaking babe." I blushed and looked down. "Thanks." I said. "Oh I almost forgot you'll need this too." Tabitha said handing me some winter clothes and boots. "Um I won't need these." I said back politely. "Honey where you're going you will." I looked at her confused then at Drew. He wouldn't meet my gaze he was looking at the ground. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. Um we might have to walk in some snow." Then that's when he looked up. "Oh well that's fine. Thanks Tabitha for the clothes and everything." I said smiling to her. "No problem anytime." Drew and I said our goodbyes and got on the train. "So when will I need to change?" I asked holding up the boots and winter clothes. "I'll tell you when." He said smirking at me. "Ok." I say blushing. Drew and I kinda sat there a while in silence until the train started moving. A few minutes later Drew had to go to the bathroom. After he left a cute guy came up to me and sat next to me. "Now what's a girl like you doing on a train all by herself?" He said I guess trying to flirt. "I'm not alone. The guy I came with is in the bathroom." I replied. "Oh is he like your boyfriend or something?" he asked. "No." I said trying not to make eye contact. "Good. I'm Derek." He said trying to look me directly in the eye. "Nice to meet you Derek. I'm Alice." I don't want to tell him I'm Brooklyn because maybe he'll only talk to me because I'm going to save Luthopia. We chatted for a bit when Drew came back and he didn't look to pleased. "I'm back!" He announced loudly. "Oh hey Drew this is Derek." I said. "Nice to meet you Drew." Derek said. "Yeah it won't be for long." he replied. Wow is he jealous. I made him jealous ha. "Yeah I should get back to my seat anyway. Nice meeting you Alice." he said kissing my hand then leaving without making eye contact with Drew. Drew sat down and I had to ask "What was that all about?" "What?" He said trying to act like he wasn't jealous.  "That being all rude to Derek." I say laughing. "You're too young to have a boyfriend." "No I'm not!" I yelled at him. "How old are you?" He said. "16. You?" I said seeing if he's younger. "18." he said. "Well I guess we can't be together anymore. I'm too young." I said walking away jokingly. "Babe. Come back." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "You can't leave me." He said holding on to my wrist. "Why not?" I asked confused. "Because you don't know what you're doing, or where you're going and I do. You'd be lost with out me." He said smirking at me. I smirked back. "Am I really too young?" I asked seriously now. "No we're only two years apart. I only said that because I don't want you with that tool." He said looking down at the floor. "And you're not?" I asked upset. "As a matter of fact I'm not." He said. "Ok" I said back. He just smiled at me. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked smiling. "Because you're sassy. I like sassy." He said getting closer and his voice getting lower. He was so close when I heard someone shout "No PDA on the train!" We both laughed and I got off his lap. I was looking out the window and it went from sunny and pretty to snowy and dark. "Now would be a great time to change. Come on." Drew said. We walked to the bathrooms I went in one he went in the other. I put on some snow pants over my dress and boots on. I grabbed my heavy coat and put it on. I walked out to see Drew waiting for me. The train stopped and I almost fell. Drew caught me and chuckled. Then we started walking. We were so close it wasn't going to be a long walk. "Hey Brook look here." I turned to see that Drew had a snow heart in his hands. "Awe that's so cute." I said smiling. "Brook your eyes." He said astonished. "What about them?" I asked getting scared. "They changed." He replied.  "Yeah they do that sometimes. They are blue then they are green..." I started. "No I mean they really changed. They are rainbow." He said. "Seriously?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Let me see." He took out a mini mirror from who knows where and gave it to me. Oh my gosh my eyes are seriously rainbow. "What does that mean? How did this happen? Am I going to die?!" I asked frightened. "Don't freak out. Ok. The princess will know what is happening. Now come on." He grabbed my hand and we started walking again.

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