Chapter 28

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Years past by and Morna and Andy were 20 years old. Andy got a girlfriend and Morna was flying solo. Addie dethroned herself and so Drew and I were the new king and queen. We acted like Addie with all the royalty thing but we did have perks with parking. Once every few months we would go visit my mom and Dallas. Dallas married Zach and he hasn't hurt anyone, yet. They had four kids, three boys and one girl. Zach Jr. Austin, Dallas to be funny with her name, and Donna. They were 15, 14, and 12. Zach was the oldest with Austin following and Dallas and Donna were identical twins. We didn't go to their wedding because Morna was sick but we went to every birthday party we could. Zach Jr.'s was October 27th, Austin's was August 1st, Dallas and Donna were June 18th. Zach had a girlfriend too and they have been dating for 2 years. When Morna was 13 she really wanted a kitten so we got her a kitten and Andy a dog. She got a munchkin cat and he got a husky that had two different colored eyes.

Sorry for the short end chapter, I don't know what to write but I might add more to this chapter but this is the last one for this story. If people want a short story about Morna and Andy's lives after this story I might write one. Also the beginning of this story was from my one friend, she stopped writing the story so I finished it, she stopped at chapter 6 and I carried it on from there.

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