Chapter 3

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"What are those?" I asked. "Those are aliens from the planet Zorb." Drew replied. "Will they hurt us?" I asked. "Of course not babe." He said as he walked towards two of the aliens playing pool. "Hey Dave! How's it going Joey?" He said to them. "Hey Drew." Dave said. "Hey Drew. Who's the chick?" Joey asked. "That my good man is Brooklyn. Come here babe." I slowly walked towards them shyly. In crowds I'm shy. I don't know why. I walked beside Drew and he put his arm around my waist. "Brook I'd like you to meet two of my buds Dave and Joey." "Hi." I said waving at them. "Are you the Brooklyn?" "Um I don't know. I think I am." I said not really sure. But how am I not sure this is my dream. Wait normally if you fall in a dream you wake up, how come I didn't wake up? Maybe it's not a dream. No way it's a dream there is no such thing as planet Zorb. I just passed out from getting shocked by my phone probably. Yeah. "Honey you aren't dreaming. This place is real and if you don't save it then all of us are going to die." What how did Dave hear me was I talking out loud? "No I have powers you see I can read minds, Joey can control weather, and Drew here can heal things." Drew was looking at them and shaking his head no. "Are you an alien too?" "No! I'm a witch." "Oh. Well I feel out of place I don't have powers." I said sadly. "Dude you got the wrong Brooklyn!" "Yeah the real Brooklyn has powers!" Joey and Dave said to Drew. "No I swear she is Brooklyn she just doesn't have her powers yet." "Whatever man." Dave said going back to playing pool with Joey. Drew grabbed my hand and walked me to a bar stool. "Here let me see your scrape again." I lifted my dress to show my cut. All of a sudden his hand was glowing white. He put his hand on my knee. It didn't hurt, my knee felt normal again. He took his hand off my knee and I looked down to see that it's healed. "Oh my gosh dude that's so cool!" I said to Drew as he just laughed and said "well you know that's just what I do." "Hey Drew!" some lady said to him. She looked like she was 40 something. "Hey June. How's it going?" Drew said. "Oh you know same ol same ol. Who's this little Missy?" "This is Brooklyn." He says kissing my forehead. "The Brooklyn?" She asks checking me out. "Yep." He said proudly. "Wow! So nice to meet you sweetie." She says smiling. "You too." I said. "Are you a human too?" "Oh no I'm an alien too. I just have the power to shape shift. I choose to look like a human because then the aliens won't try to hit on me." She said smiling. "Oh good idea." I said to her. "Hey I'll just leave you two to talk." Drew said walking away. "If you need anything just ask me." "Thanks June." He said to her as he left. "No problem." She said as he left. "Actually do you have clothes?" I asked scared. "Yeah sure come with me." She said taking my hand taking me to a room. "Here you go just take whatever you like." She said sitting down. "Really?" I said excitedly. "Yeah." She said moving her hands in the direction of the closet. "Thank you." I said walking over to the big closet. "No problem." She said smiling. All I need is an outfit to sleep in and something different to change into. Surprisingly for an alien she has a lot of human clothes. "Where did you get all these clothes?" I asked. "I just thought they were cute and would come in handy and they did." She said looking at me. "Well ok." I picked a polkadot onesie to sleep in, and black leggings with a white tank top. I put them in a little bag. I walked back to where Drew was. "Hey Drew um is there somewhere I can sleep. I'm getting sleepy." "Um sure babe." He said putting his arm around my waist. "Bye everybody!" We walked out of the bar. "You didn't have to leave you know. You could have told me where it is." I said feeling bad that he left his friends for me. "Nah I'm getting tired anyways." He said as he walked me across to a house I think. We walk inside and into a room and Drew asked "Um you wanna change? The bathrooms right there." He said pointing to the bathroom. "Thanks." I walk into the bathroom and change. When I came out I see Drew in only his boxers. "Wow! Sorry I didn't know you weren't dressed!" I screamed and shut my eyes. "It's fine. Actually this is how I sleep if that's ok?" He asked. "Yeah."  I said as I opened my eyes again and blushed. "Dang he is so tan and he has abs." I thought looking at his 8 pack. "Is this place yours?" I asked him trying to stop blushing. He smirked. "Yeah but I barely stay here." He said continuously smirking at me. "Why?" I asked as I continued to blush. "I don't see the reason to stay in an apartment when I live in this place. And besides it gets lonely." Awe he gets lonely. I can fix that. What am I saying this is a dream. "Um you can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." He said. "It's ok you don't have to sleep on the couch. Unless you want to." I said turning shy. So was he. "Do you want me to?" He said smirking again. "It doesn't matter." I said blushing again. "I'll think about it. You go ahead to bed." "Ok. Goodnight." I said yawning. "Night babe." He said yawning to.  I walked off to the bedroom. Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt two arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Drew smiling at me. I smiled back and closed my eyes. "Night babe." He said then kissed my forehead. When I woke up Drew wasn't next to me. I walked outside into the living room to see Drew in the kitchen. "Morning babe. Hungry?"
"Morning. Um just a little." He smiled at me and started waving me to the kitchen. "I have pancakes, eggs, waffles, bacon, sausage. What do you want?" "Um.... Pancakes!" I said excitedly. He smiled at me and handed me a plate of pancakes. They tasted so good. "Drew these pancakes are AMAZING!" "Thanks babe." He walked towards me and kissed my cheek slowly. I blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry I... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said stuttering a bit. "No its ok. I liked it." I said getting shy again. He got shy too. It was quiet between us but good quiet.  "Um I'm gunna go change." "Ok." I got up from the counter and went to the bathroom and got dressed. I got dressed in a white tank top with black leggings. I wish I had make up. Maybe June has some. I walked back out and see Drew washing the dishes. "Need help?" I asked. "Nah. I'll be good you just go chill out." I really wanted to help I mean just because I'm his guest doesn't mean I can't help clean up my mess too. I walked over to him and started washing some dishes. He looked at me. "I said you don't need to help." "Yeah but I want to." He smirked at me. He handed me the clean dishes and I dried them off and put them away. When we were done I asked "Can we see June?" I ask shyly. "Yeah sure. Why?" He asked suspiciously. "Just to see if she has makeup." I said insecure. "You don't need makeup." He said to me. "But I want it." I said back smiling. I grab my boots and put them on. Drew walked behind me and put his shoes on too. He opened the door for me and we walk to the bar. No one was there considering it's morning but June was there getting ready. "Hey what ya need?" "Hey June do you have makeup?" "Sure honey come here." I followed her back to where I was last night. "Here you go." She said handing me a bag full of makeup. Everything I need mascara, eye liner, cover up, blush, eye shadow, lip gloss. I only want eye liner, mascara, and lip gloss. "Thanks June again." I said walking out. "No problem. Why you want makeup anyway? You trying to impress Drew?" She said with a smile "What no!" I said blushing. Maybe I do want to look good. He is attractive. Brook this is a dream he isn't real! This is all a dream! I finished my makeup and walk out. Drew and I said bye to June and left. "Where we gunna go next?"

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