Chapter 12

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"Wait when did this happen?" I asked. "Right after I left your room." He replied. Addie opened the door a little and it creaked then she just shut it again. We stayed like that for a while until I couldn't cry anymore. Not because I didn't feel bad, trust me I did, but because I cried out all the tears I had. He kept his hand on my cheek even though I was done crying. I looked up at the clock and it said 8:35. I wanted time to fly by so he could out of here. A nurse came in and said "Brook it's time to leave you can come back tomorrow." I looked at Drew and he lowered his hand off my cheek. I stood up and left to see Addie. She had her arms open wide and I ran over and cried in her shirt. I finally let go and we got in the car without saying anything. The ride was fast and we were home in no time. I got out of the car and went inside. I kicked off my shoes and changed and went to bed. I couldn't sleep of course but I just wanted to lay in bed and cry. I fell a sleep a little later and woke up and the clock said 7:58. By the time I got ready it was 8:30. Addie was already up and when I was ready we went to the hospital. I went in Drew's room and he was awake but he looked tired. "I couldn't sleep last night." He said as he sat up and his hair was so messy. I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his hair trying to fix it. He moved his head around trying to get my fingers out of his hair but they were stuck. I moved my fingers towards myself and they came out nicely. "Hey go brush your hair." I said pointing to the bathroom. He stood up and walked into the bathroom. He came back out and his hair wasn't messy anymore. "Now do I look attractive?" He asked laying down. "No." I replied with a straight face. He just had aw what face. "Well what do you expect your hair is a total mess your getting a little flabby and you haven't showered in like forever." I said still with a straight face. "Um actually when you leave I shower so heh." He said sticking his tongue out. "Oh well still your not that all attractive." I said smiling. "Neither are you with throw up all in your hair." He said moving his hands around his head. It didn't look like they hurt so maybe just maybe. When he's happy and I'm around he gets better. Huh. "You know I'm kidding I think you're  gorgeous." I said smiling. "I knew you couldn't resist all this." He said laughing loudly. "Ya okaaay." I said laughing. "Uh what hey you are such a bully." He said rolling away. I put my arms on his arm and rested my head on my arms. "No get off you're such a bully." He was whining and moving his arm so I would get off. "Now see you're getting flabby and you can't fight me." I said still shaking. He stopped and then said "oh that's it you're getting it now!" He rolled over and I tried to get away but he grabbed me and started tickling me. "No no please I I can't breathe." I stuttered between laughs. He finally stopped and I just laid on the floor. "Well you are still getting flabby." I said rolling on my back. "Hmmm well I've been here for how long?" He asked. "Mleh." I said with my tongue out. "Well let's hope you don't get hit with anything else." I said smiling and laughing. "Oh shut up you wiener." He said sticking his tongue out. Right then and there I just died laughing. "What in the world Brook what was so funny?" He asked laughing too. "Oh mah gah you said wiener!" I stuttered between each breath. "You're so weird!" He said laughing. Addie came in to see me on the floor laughing and Drew dying from laughter on the bed. She just stood there trying not to laugh. "What are you doing in here?" Addie asked laughing. "Ugh ya know just laying around." I said when I finally stopped laughing. We both finally stopped laughing and we just wiped  away the tears. A doctor came in and said "Brook can you leave for a little?" I sat up, then stood up, and left. I didn't leave I just stood behind the door. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I stayed there anyway. I heard some glass break and I slammed the door open to see Drew looking at me and a nurse picking up pieces of a broken vase. "What happened?" I asked keeping cool. "Oh ya know I just threw her into the shelf and broke the vase." He said. "Ooooo I really want to punch you now!" I said stomping my foot on the ground. "No no no punchies!" He insisted. "Soon." I said punching my hand. His eyes got big and then he rolled side to side saying "help help she's gonna beat me up help!" Then he looked at me with a straight face. I had an aggravated yet funny face. "What really happened?" I asked sitting down. "I already told you" he started. I gave him the stare "fine fine she told me I could leave soon and then she went to get some papers to leave and she tripped and knocked the vase over." He finished smiling. I got a huge smile on my face and my eyes got big. "So he can get out of here soon?" I asked excitedly. She nodded her head yes. "Now let's hope I don't get hit with anything else." He said with big eyes. The bruises were almost fully gone. I started jumping up and down pointing at him and stuttering "banana nana nana and..." "banana nana nana and what are trying to say babe?" He asked laughing at me. "Shut up you're getting better!" I screamed at him. "Huh I didn't even notice that." He said looking at his chest. Then the nurse said "yes you are getting much much better see your x-rays." She pointed over at them. "Where have I heard this before?" He said rolling his eyes and being negative. "Oh good point you're never gonna get out of here." I said being negative like him. He just looked over at me and stuck his tongue. "I will get out of here, you butt head!" He said. "Well I know you were just being negative so I thought I would be too." I said smiling falsely. "LET ME OUT LET ME OUT!" He constantly screamed his fist up in the air. "Fine get out!" The nurse said pointing at the door. "Really?!" He asked with his eyes huge. "Yes you can leave but let me see if your ribs are healed." The nurse said. "Really but he like just got hit." I said confused. "Correct. But he's healed very quickly and you know why so he might be able to leave now." The nurse said pointing at me and then walking over towards Drew's bed. She moved her hands up and down his chest and he didn't move at all except breathing but you know what I mean. Then she got to the middle of his chest.

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