Chapter 1

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A/N: bear with me, it's the first chapter so you'll just get to know the characters and stuff. Things will get better in the next chapter


The alarm clock didn't wake him up, the annoying old couple next door did. It was an ungodly hour in the early morning when the last minute packing begun.

That couple had always been annoying, nagging and rude to anyone in the building, so needless to say he was happy they were finally leaving. Moving out of town and into their hometown, Hell. Also known as America.

Caspar's alarm clock finally tried to wake him up, and he begin his morning routine to-do list, a bit anxious because the old couple was awake this morning and could see his every movement trough the glass wall. Oh the window. It was the only thing Caspar dislikes about his apartment complex.

He lives in a nice apartment complex, that just so happens to have little hallways to unify it with the apartment building 6 feet away.

Problem with that? Nothing serious unless someone had a party or really loud sex. Ah, except there was a little itty bitty problem: the glass wall. It was enormous and splendid, decorated with house plants and flowers. Also, the couple living in front could see everything he did any time of the day. Hey, at least he he the privacy of his own room!

Luckily, the annoying couple was moving out.

As he poured milk on his cereal bowl, the old lady finally appeared and stated blankly at his naked torso, shaking her head in annoyance. Caspar kindly showed her his favorite finger and continued to eat.

Shit, he was running late to work. He quickly took a shower and rushed to his car, parked just on the other side of the street. On his rush to get there, he didn't see the other moving truck, but oh how he wished he had.

When he got to his office, he knew something was off. Everyone was idly quiet and giggly, not sleep deprived and cranky. His friend Conor wasn't there to meet him with a morning joke, and Cat wasn't excitedly talking about a recent episode on a tv show.

It wasn't hard to spot the difference. It was the new guy.

The first thing Caspar noticed was that the guy had great style, a bit too trendy for his taste, but great nevertheless. He was also really cute, astonishingly cute. His fringe was perfectly messy, and he was sure those collarbones could cut through steel. He irradiated beauty, so much Caspar forgot how to breathe, and he couldn't remember where he was. The guy was that mesmerizing.

And God, his eyes. Blue and big and with a sparkle, the kind of eyes you want to get lost in. Not to mention his lips, forming a small smile as the guy checked his phone.

Caspar swallowed hard and fixed his hair, thinking he could say hi to the cute stranger without making his intentions too obvious.

He walked three steps before he noticed that Tyler, from the management department, had the same idea. He quickly pretended like he hadn't even seen Joe, took a sharp turn to the left and sat inside his big cubicle, pretending he couldn't hear the strangers soft voice.

Resisting the urge to google the hot, hot boy, Caspar checked his emails. Nothing new, a few dozen people had subscribed to his YouTube channel, his mom said hi, he needed to pay the bills. Normal stuff.

Just then, his boss Zoe walked in.
Zoe has always been perceptive and smart, filled with compassion but ready to harm anyone who messed with her. And Caspar admired her for that.

"Guys, hey, good morning to you too Phil, yes I got your memo Tanya, okay yes" it was like that whenever she talked to them for the first time in the morning.

She sighed, her smile never leaving her lips, and assured Louise that there was no surprise meeting today. "People, attention please" everyone shut up instantly and Caspar chuckled, turning in his chair.

He still had the phantom of a smile when he turned his chair a bit too hard, and locked eyes with the new guy. He admired the blue of his iris for a second before smiling sheepishly.

That's when it hit him. Joe, the new guy and stranger, was smiling softly to himself, but not meeting Caspar in the eye. His eyes were everywhere but Caspar's eyes, they were roaming his figure and paying close attention to every detail of his body.
The new guy was checking him out.

When he was done, he smirked and nodded, as if happy with what he had just ogled. Needless to say, Caspar was shockingly proud.

Zoe was talking now, and Caspar turned to pay attention to her. He stole a last glance and the boy and saw he was doing the same thing.

"So, we have a new guy in the office everyone. Joe, can you please get up?"

All eyes were on Joe now, so everyone saw his slight blush as he got up "Zoe, you're embarrassing me!" He said, and a couple people laughed.

Zoe shook her head "Joe will be here with us from now on, working in the creative design section, so I need someone to show him around" Tyler immediately raised his hand.

"Someone from that department, Tyler" Zoe pointed out, making everyone burst into giggles, including Tyler.

Caspar caught Zoe's glance his way, and swallowed hard. She had most definitely seen his little flirt episode with Joe. When Zoe smiled, Caspars jaw went slack. She would never...

"Casper, dear, would you mind showing Joe around?" There was a playful tone in her voice. He smiled back at her.

He got up, put his phone in his pocket and stared at Zoe "My name is Caspar"
She smiled.
"I think that's something you should be telling Joe, don't you agree?"

They both smiled, completely missing Joe's increasing blush and unstoppable smile.

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