Chapter seven

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A/N: chapters are a little bit longer from now on. Hopefully. Idk.


It was as if God himself had decided to shit on Joe's work life. First, unnecessary drama had appeared left and right at his old job, followed by angry clients and angry bosses, and for a grand finale: Joe outside the building, a box with his things in hand, and a half assed reason to fire him written down on a post-it.

Now, co-worker drama. He mentally kicked himself, he should've just listened to Zoe. No romance with anyone in the office meant no drama (mostly). He should've listened to her.

"Fuck it" he muttered

Shit happens. He should get over it.

At last, he found his cubicle and began typing once more. Work. That's what he was here for. Work. He didn't need Caspar, he didn't even know Caspar. He would be fine.

He repeated that over and over, hoping someday he'd believe it. But even if he didn't need Caspar, he still wanted Caspar.

Maybe he just needed to find other friends at the office. Jim. Jim would do, he was nice and funny, and he said he'd introduce him to his wife. He could thirdwheel them.

There was also Oli, whom he had quite hit it off with, and their receptionist Marcus had been nice so far, even when Joe had accidentally stared at his hair for far too long.

He would be fine.

And now, Caspar was in front of him, falling down on his chair, his knee accidentally bumping Joe's and his heart speed up, jumping with delight as he locked eyes with Caspar.

He wasn't fine.

But, he swallowed his feelings. Caspar wasn't the only fish in the sea and he definitely wasn't enough to make Joe leave his pride aside and talk to him again.

Caspar's fingers tapped over the keyboard fast and repeatedly, faster than Joe's. And Joe momentarily wondered what else those fingers could do fast and repeatedly. He shook the thought away.

As the hours passed by, he found himself looking at Dan Howell more and more. What even was his problem? Was he trying to make Joe look bad on purpose? Why did he hate Joe so fucking much?

Maybe Phil had the answer.

Joe made a mental reminder to try and talk to Phil, he seemed nice enough and not a ticking time bomb like Howell, so he'd give it a try.

Talking about Howell, now he was looking at Joe's way. Yep, he caught him staring. He looked pissed. As if this was all Joe's fault. He showed Dan his middle finger and scowled. Dan looked annoyed, and he was apparently going to flip Joe off as well when someone spoke.

"Won't you leave him alone" it was Caspar, prefect. Go on, defend Dan. Why not, it's not as if he's done anything wrong.

Joe didn't answer, instead he typed away the last half hour of work and got up to meet up with Jim and Tanya, not even giving Caspar a glance.

He wasn't surprised to see Alfie was there as well, and together they all went downstairs.

When they got to the lobby, all of them immediately gravitated towards Marcus and began to chat.

"I'm not joking, he said that" Tanya's voice echoed in Joe's ears.

"Who would've thought, huh?" Joe answered, and grinned as they all continued the conversation.

One by one, they all left to their houses. It was already dark when Joe parked in front of his apartment complex.  He saw that a car parked nearby had a flat tire, and he immediately checked his own tires to make sure none of them were flat.

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