Chapter three

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After finding out Joe was nothing but the most important person in his boss's life, Caspar's flirty mood quietly died down.

He didn't mean to be an ass, and just ditch Joe like that because he was his boss's bro, but well, shit happens alright. He wasn't a bad person for not wanting to get fired.

"Guys" a voice interrupted Caspar's mental breakdown, and he looked over to see Louise standing in from of them. When had she arrived?  "Zoe says you should be back at work now" she had an apologetic look on her face.

Immediately, Alfie face palmed. Caspar heard him grunt something along the lines of "forgot" and "killing me" and some  swear words; quite frankly, he found it  funny.

He was still laughing silently when he crossed glances with Joe, who had been very quiet after Caspar shut him down when he tried to flirt in front of Alfie. Caspar immediately lowered his gaze, feeling a blush forming on his cheeks.

If he hadn't lowered his gaze, he would've seen the look of utter disbelief on Joe's face, the way he shook his head and huffed. Alfie, of course, was unaware of this.

"Okay okay, we're going Louise" Joe spoke up, a bit harsh and Caspar's gut twisted. And they all speed out of the door, ironically, Joe's body was pressed against his when the both of them tried to get out first, which resulted in them falling, a mess of limbs and swears, and Caspar was thrown away by Joe's very blue eyes again, but they weren't seductive anymore and Caspar felt guilty and a bit scared so he quickly scrambled up to his feet and helped Joe up, before walking away, quickly followed by Louise.

If he hadn't, he would have seen Alfie give Joe an obvious look over, while said person pretended as if nothing had happened. All in all, Caspar should've been paying more attention to Joe.

Well, to Joe and to everything around him. Because it took him 3 tries and a lot of bumping into objects to finally sit at the right cubicle. Caspar sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair, he could just pretend like he hadn't shamelessly flirted with Joe. They could start over. It wasn't a big deal.

"Caspar" he looked up.

Joe was standing right next to him, and for once he was looking down at him.


The world stopped spinning.

Joe lifted an eyebrow, and gave him a funny smile when he realized Caspar's dreamy eyes.

"Caspar" he said, slower.

And Caspar stopped breathing, struggling to stay in his chair and not jump Joe.

He waited for Joe to do something, he couldn't just look  at him like that and leave him hanging.

Joe smiled, softly, as Caspar's head was in the clouds. Then Joe's smile faded away, leaving behind a wicked grin

"You're in my cubicle, Caspar" he mocked, knowing damn well Caspar was waiting for something different.

Well, two could play that game. Again.

Caspar got up, so close to Joe his chest touched his, so close Joe's breath tickled his neck, and Caspar went as far as to throw his head back slightly, inviting Joe to press his lips against his exposed neck. Before Joe could even move, Caspar backed away and walked away, to the desk in front of the one he was previously sitting in. He sat down and smiled as he drowned in the way Joe looked perplexed, blinking slowly. His eyes eventually met Caspar's, and all thoughts of stopping his flirting with Joe dawned away.

Written in Joe's eyes, invisible to anyone but Caspar, was the promise of war.

And if this war was going to be a follow up to whatever happened in the break room, then Caspar was ready to fight.

Joe sat down, in the desk in front of Caspar and somehow Caspar wasn't surprised he had been assigned to the same cubicle as him, and he didn't even wonder what had happened to the guy who used to sit in front of him. He liked this one way better.

Caspar bit his lip in the attempt to fight off a smile, he was surprised how easily Joe could make him forget all about Zoe.

Zoe, who was Joe's big sister.

And also his boss.

Caspar gulped, suddenly very aware that there were people here who worked as Zoe's eyes and ears when she wasn't around.

He quickly wondered if the little moment they had just shared had been witnessed by anyone, and he desperately looked around. No one was paying attention to him, no one except... Great.

Someone was watching him, and Caspar grunted.

Said someone sat in the far corner of the office, surrounded by light and wearing dark clothes. Caspar caught his glance, trying hard not to get distracted by Joe's slight tapping of his feet against his own.

From the other side of the room, Daniel Howell smiled at him cheekily, and made a gesture with his hands that Caspar knew meant fucking.

Oh great, now Dan knew and he would never let him live this down. Caspar dropped his head in his hands and groaned, then got up again and mouthed a "NO" to Dan.

"Who's that guy?" He heard Joe ask, and he looked over at the pretty boy. He looked relaxed, laid back, but he had a curious glint in his eye.

Caspar smiled "that's Dan Howell, professional sass master and a good friend of mine. He's also a pain in the ass" he finished off with a laugh, that Joe reciprocated.

Joe, who was now standing up and going over to Dan. Caspar almost wanted to stop him, but curiosity killed he cat, right? And so he let him go, smiling back at Joe.

Caspar saw Joe move with cat like strides, his posture elegant and his frame slim, he didn't match Dan's walk, with his extremely large body. Caspar wasn't even sure when Dan had gotten up, catching Phil and Cat's attention.

Caspar wished they were close enough for him to hear them talk, but he resigned himself to watch.

They met in the middle, and Joe smiled cheekily.

He offered Dan his hand, "I'm Joe sugg, the new Sugg"

Dan shook it, "I'm Dan Howell, and just let me tell you, you can't handle Caspar"

Taken aback, Joe shook his head, before throwing his head back and releasing a wolf like laugh.

"Dan, thing is, I don't think Caspar can handle me"  he stated.

Dan smiled softly "maybe. I guess we'll find out, if Zoe doesn't fire him first"

Joe's smile fell.

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