Chapter sixteen

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A/N: let's see if I can keep up these biweekly updates


"Lunch time is here, and Zoe gave us all an extra hour so..." joe started, and Caspar watched as his jawline caught the light coming from the glass windows, and he smiled. "So-" he cleared his throat, his face suddenly going very red, and avoiding all but eye contact with Caspar, which Caspar found impractical for a conversation.

Caspar leaned back against the wall, watching Joe fuss and fumble, watching words spill out of his mouth in times mumbles, and his eyes meeting his only for a split second before a blush covered his face and neck, making Caspar wish he had the right to kiss him there.

Caspar waited patiently as Joe fought with his own thoughts and mouth, waited as he regained his composure long enough to ask him out, and for Joe to breathe properly once more. He waited for it all whilst wearing a smile. "Would you like to come have lunch with me? If it's not too weird?"

In his chest, a cold, dead heart skipped a beat or two. And Caspar felt warmth oozing out of him, as if Joe's words had spread light over his bones and sunshine on his eyes. "Oh, Joseph Sugg, are you asking me out on a date?" He teased, and watched as Joe's eyes became the size of plates and as he took a deep breath.

And he watched him look at him as if he were nothing but prey, with determination in his eyes and an idea in his head. Caspar stood there, a half smile on his face, as Joe mustered up the courage to walk another step toward Caspar, to look up at his infuriating smirk and twinkling eyes, and he kissed him hard and hot and raw, kissed him with all he had to give, because  Caspar deserved to be given it all. His teeth grazed over his lower lip, and he captured it and heard Caspar softly gasp.

Joe smiled against his lips, taking the opportunity to slip his tongue inside his mouth, and he felt Caspar react, fighting for dominance he wasn't going to get. Their tongues engaged in a vicious dance, as their hands traveled lower and lower, exploring the part of each other's bodies they hadn't touched before. Breaking the kiss, Caspar pulled away and breathed in, leaving Joe with pouty lips waiting for more.

Caspar laughed, his hands still on the small of Joe's back, and he pecked his nose, fighting to keep his blood from rushing to other places. Although he could feel Joe hadn't fought the rush of blood.

Caspar smiled to himself, it was going to be a fun evening.

"Let's go get dinner, okay?" He asked, and Joe looked at him irritated and pouted, but Caspar pretended he didn't see that and just weaved his hand in between Joe's soft locks, wondering just why Joe had chosen to not punish him for his actions against Dan and Troye.

He should be punished, Caspar thought.

Joe captured Caspars attention again when he not so delicately brushed his half hard on against Caspar's juicy thigh. Caspar smiled, leaning down to kiss Joe, tracing his lips with his tongue and letting Joe mess up his hair, before pulling away and waking toward the door. "Are you coming, or will I have to eat all by myself?" He asked.

Joe sighed, and awkwardly tried to follow him,  before Caspar burst into laughs, and walked over to him, looking him up and down, all frustrated and with glistening red lips and God, he did not deserve this.

A couple minutes later, after a lot of fussing and screeching, Zoe Sugg watched from her spot in the office, where she barely listened to her superior scolding her, how her brother was being carried outside, his tiny frame thrown over Caspar's wide, very capable shoulders. And their laughter reached her, and she wished they had never met, for she knew which one of the would end up with their heart torn to pieces, and it wasn't going to be the one she deemed heartless.

"Are you listening to us, miss Sugg?" She heard her superior say. Zoe nodded. "Yes, miss Singh." She said, and wondered just why she was letting that corrupted man carry her brother, why she was letting him touch his heart.

Lilly Singh pretended not to notice how distressed and distracted Zoe was, after all, it was better than her crying over getting temporarily replaced.

She wondered just how a sweet girl had managed to take control over the whole company for so long. She looked like she could never yell at anyone, or fire them. She didn't inspire Lilly fear, and in this world, if a woman on command didn't inspire fear, she was not going to succeed.

"I'll start after your employees come back from lunch," Lilly told Zoe, and Zoe felt a prick of anger inside her. She wasn't a bad leader, she didn't have the company out of control, she wasn't weak, and she was going to succeeed.

Even if she had to make Lilly see how good of a leader she was, even if she had to show her things ran smoothly because her people loved her.

She'd make her run out of her office with her tail between her legs in no time, because this was Zoe's company, and she wasn't about to give it up.

"Actually," Zoe said, agonizingly slow.

Lilly arched her eyebrow.

"I gave them the day off," Zoe said, fighting her smile.

She knew how annoyed Lilly would be, knowing she had flown to London only to be told she would be starting tomorrow. She had Zoe bossing her around not because she had more power, but because she was sneaky with the little power she had, and she knew how to use her people.

Lilly stared her down, and a single thought crossed her mind before she walked out.
'Bring it on, little Sugg'


They were walking down the wet sidewalk, their hands brushing against each other, as the evening shadows made their way through the street.

It had been weird, really, how they ended up in God knows where, soaked to the bone, but oh, so warm.

It had all stated with Zoe's call. Caspar figured she didn't want to be so honest when she knew Caspar was around, listening, (because of course she knew he was with Joe. Caspar had stopped worrying about her knowing, for it had been useless from the start) but well, she didn't have much of a choice. If she wanted to let her little brother know about her plan, she'd have to let caspar listen.

Honestly, Caspar liked Zoe a bit more after said call. He liked knowing she had some sort of fire inside her, that she could be sneaky and pretentious and God, she could use all of that against someone that wasn't him.

So when Zoe called Joe (after asking Caspar to, and I quote, keep the fuck quiet) and told him how they were not coming back to the office and should make sure no one else did that day, and she explained it was all out of spite, Caspar kind of saw why Alfie was dating the gal.

It's not everyday you meet someone that will willingly fuck shit up just to spite someone.

Then again, Zoe had a great deal of reason for wanting to spite the new girl (Lilly, Zoe had said). She had deemed Zoe as ' a weak person who believes she has a power she does not have, and she lacks respect amongst the coworkers'. Secretly, Caspar though Zoe was hurt more by the last statement than the first, but he'd never say it out loud.

Joe, on the other hand...

"She's doing this because that new gal said she doesn't get along with you all," he started. And Caspar could swear he looked even more beautiful in the sunlight. Then again, the clouds of a storm were dawning close, but Caspar was sure Joe looked beautiful in the rain too.

Caspar shrugged. "Maybe it's just because  , I don't know, she's trying to goals over her company? One she worked hard on?" He didn't mean to sound so sarcastic, but after talking to Zoe, something uneasy had grown in his stomach.

Something with the name of fear.

Because he was almost sure something bad was to happen soon. Things were going too well to be true, much too well.

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