Chapter 6

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A/N: told you you'd get 2 parts today 💁🏽


This was work environment, so without further to do both boys dove right into work. Luckily for them, their job was something enjoyable. And he needed enjoyment.

Especially after Joe's fiasco of a job he had just been fired of. And him having to move to London all of a sudden because of it. Things had turned out to be better than expected.

Zoe had begged him to work for her for ages now, and he had been big on refusing only because he was prideful and didn't want to work for his sibling. But now, stealing glances at Caspar,he wished he had accepted her offer sooner.

Joe typed away the hours, opening adobe Flash every now and then, sometimes photoshop and Final Cut Pro. By the time he got up to go to the bathroom, his screens were filled with all types of editing programs.

The work environment was nice: when he wasn't playing footie with Caspar or having a secret state off, he was chatting up with whoever came over to their cubicle.

Joe noticed right away that Caspar was a popular guy at the office, but when he jokingly mentioned it to Caspar he said that some of them were actually there to get a better look at their newest addition.

He finished off that little chat saying that they were surely not disappointed in what they saw, winning shamelessly at him, making Joe laugh and shake his head, hiding behind his computer.

Now, as he came back from the bathroom, he realized he had judged the place too soon.

All good things must come to an end.

And his good day was being thrown into the trash by no other than Dan Howell, who had decided to sit in his chair, chatting up his boy, and completely ignoring everyone else forever.

Joe sighed, knowing damn (ho)well he couldn't ask Dan to leave without coming off as a dick, so he awkwardly stood in the middle of the office, trying hard not to look pathetic.

He must have failed, because a few seconds later a tall guy with glasses came up to him, and Joe was actually relieved to see he was nice.

"Dan took your property, right?" He said, laughing. Joe laughed as well, wondering if he meant his desk or Caspar.

"Well, I needed a break from work anyways" he said

Jim laughed "Oh yeah,  I need to ask" he said "Tell me one embarrassing story about Zoe, please?"

Joe found it quite endearing, so he accepted. "Well there was this one time she sat on the Christmas cake and didn't notice, so-" the story went on for a while, constantly interrupted by their fits of giggles and snarky comments.

By the time he finished and said goodbye to the guy who now referred to him as his best friend, he half hoped Dan would be gone.

He wasn't. And Caspar wasn't even working anymore. He looked around the office to see that Phil, the guy who looked too much like Dan for his liking, was staring at them as well. He saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

If what Zoe said was true, Phil had no reason to be sad or jealous. But maybe Zoe was wrong, maybe Phil wasn't what Dan was thriving for.

And if he wanted Caspar, Joe guessed he could have him. He wasn't going to stop him whatsoever. Caspar was just a boy after all, right?

So he casually walked over to Caspar and Dan, smiling down at them, and completely ignored Caspar's warm smile

"Hello" he greeted Dan, with a fake smile and murdering eyes.

Dan, either unaware or being a little shit, greeted him cheerily. But that was it. He didn't he up, he didn't say sorry, he just sat there and looked at Joe.

The tension was rising up quickly, burning Joe's skin and making him see red. Dan felt it too, his head swirling with different ways to keep Joe away from Caspar. Honestly, he was just doing the right thing.

Caspar noticed it too, not too sure of what was happening, but aware of it nevertheless.

"I sort of need to work Dan, some people around here actually want to get things done" Joe said, and mentally slapped himself for his rudeness.

But Dan got the message a bit different. Maybe it was because he didn't think very highly of Joe, but to Dan it sounded as if he was spatting in his face that he was going to "do" Caspar.

And that just sent him over the edge. He could not just get here and claim Caspar like that.

If they wanted to fuck it was fine by him, but he knew it would end badly. He had seen it before, lived it.

"What you want to do or not is none of my business, Joe" he stated and left.

Just like that, Caspar was alone with a riled up Joe. And he was mad.

"What was that about?" Caspar said, trying hard not to jump to conclusions.

Joe still saw red when he turned to Caspar. Was he truly asking ? Did he not see Dan randomly blowing up? After all the effort Joe put into being calm, and Dan just blew up like that.

Joe gripped the desk so hard his knuckles were white "Dan was a prick, that's what" he sat down and breathed heavily.

He slowly scanned the room, no one seemed to have noticed Dan's tantrum. Except for Phil of course, and Jim, who Joe had quite liked. He knew none of them would snitch them to Zoe.

But if Caspar didn't calm down soon, the wrong people might see and snitch them to her. Caspar was currently flashing Joe and Dan a murderous glance, his nostrils flared.

"What did you say to Dan?" He asked

Joe couldn't believe it "you were right there!" He said, a little too high and he saw heads turned to them.

Caspar muttered something about bathroom under his breath and walked out, he didn't even look angry. What a great actor.

Joe guessed he was meant to chase after him, so he did. He noticed that Dan didn't even try to follow Caspar. Point to Joe.

In the safety of the bathroom, shit went down.

"What did you say to him Joe?"  He asked, calmly.

"I didn't say anything! He said things to me"

Caspar's nostrils flared "So now Dan is the bad guy?"

"Oh what, am I the bad guy then? I wasn't the one who made a scene!"

"I've known Dan for years, he wouldn't just act like that! Yesterday, when you two met, what did you say to him?"

Joe decided to not expose Dan like that "I said nothing to him, if you don't believe me that's fine"

And he walked out, ignoring Caspar calling out for him.

He didn't expect Caspar to pick him over Dan, he wasn't stupid. They weren't even proper friends yet. He just had hoped, so hard, to be away from drama here.

It hurt, but he would get over it. Just then, someone yanked his arm.

Caspar's fucking blue eyes stared right into his soul "Is that how you deal with things? You walk away?"

Joe looked him dead in the eye.

And walked away.

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