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From: heidiwagner@mail.com
To: marcoreus11@mail.com
Created: 28/2-2016, 11:31

When I met you, Marco, I was smitten. Your presence was brightening and I swore that the feeling in my stomach must've been what enlightened people were going on and on about.

You were perfect. Your gaze never failed to get the fluttering feeling in my stomach to appear and your touch was magical.

After three months I knew that I loved you. So much. It hurt to know how dependent I had become on you emotionally. The thought of not having you by my side was painful and I knew I had to stay with you, Marco.

Too bad your plans about us changed.

I'm deleting this now, even if it took me quite some time to write it.

I can't talk to you yet.


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