Inbox 3/4

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Received: 3/4-2016, 00:56

Her name was Felicia. But I didn't care about her name. I only needed what she could give me at that time.

I regret it. You do not understand how much I regret it. It disgusts me that I even picked up a conversation with her as she stood outside our apartment. It didn't strike me who she might've been, it didn't strike me what we would do, it didn't strike me that I would be unfaithful.

My actions disgust me to the point where I just want to give up on contacting you. But I can't bring myself to, I love you too much.

I can't apologize without you knowing exactly how I was that day. I wasn't drunk, I wasn't high, I wasn't hurting – I was the same as always, tired after practice and homesick for you. Somehow I also turned into a delusional not-thinking-at-all man.

Still, return my calls. I need to explain it all in person Heidi, please. If not my calls, return my texts or e-mails, please?

I'm not going to stop until I know you're okay and know that I love you.



Author: Marco why were you such a delusional not-thinking-at-all man? :(

question for you: which football club(s) is/are your favorite(s)?

my answer: Barcelona is my all time favorite tbh, other than Barca I like ManCity, Spurs and Bayern and also Dortmund 🙋🏼

Btw, I'm making a posting schedule for this story! I will be publishing the remaining new chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sounds good? 💁🏼

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