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From: heidiwagner@mail.com
To: marcoreus11@mail.com
Created: 25/3-2016, 09:40

Now it's been a month and half a week. I still haven't replied to your messages or taken your calls. I barely go outside just in case there will be cameras.

I never liked the media and I know you didn't either. We used to crack jokes about them. How they didn't have a life of their own so they had to stalk our's instead. How we laughed at those jokes.

I don't laugh now. Maybe it's mainly because I don't meet up with people but it's also because of what you did, Marco.

I don't know what you were thinking.

I wish I knew.



(Please read this note)

Author: Hey all of you guys! I saw another writer do this and I thought it was really cute and a good way to get closer to the people who read this story; so I'mma do it too.

Only if you want to ofc: Tell me your name and something about yourself. I'll go first. My name is Linnea and I'm 16 years old. According to my friends I'm way too obsessed with Manuel Neuer. *denies their accusations* 😅

I want to get to know you guys better, so please do this! Love you! x

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