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It was 13.34 and Marco felt pathetic. He and Heidi had decided to meet up at 13.00, yet over half an hour later than that Marco was still alone where he was sitting. The bench inside the wind shelter at the bus stop wasn't the least bit comfortable, but he had been scared that Heidi might leave earlier than she said she would, so Marco had come way before they had decided to meet and had sat down on the bench to wait for her.

He felt pathetic for getting his hopes up when Heidi booked in for them to meet, especially since he was now most likely being stood up, pathetic because he had told Auba to cover for him at practice and pathetic because he actually thought he might have been given a second chance. He knew he didn't deserve it – the second chance – yet he didn't want anything else in this world as much as that retry. All he wanted was to apologize to the girl whom he had been unfaithful to and then fight for her. He wanted her back, he needed her back, even though he didn't deserve her – she was far too good for him and he knew it, but even with that said Marco wouldn't give up.


His thoughts, that were headed down a dark road, ceased to exist as he for just a moment gazed at the woman in front of him.

"Heidi..." He let her name past his lips in a quick exhale of air before he stuffed his hands into his pockets and felt the corners of his lips turn upwards ever the slightest. He stood up quickly and was about to start apologizing to her but was interrupted by her putting her right hand on his firm torso.

"I don't want more apologies from you, Marco," she said and gazed up into his eyes that were trained on hers. He sucked in a breath and bit his lip as he glanced down at her hand which she hadn't removed yet. She furrowed her eyebrows and spoke again; "What are you still doing here? I was late."

"I told you I needed to see- wait, were you deliberately late?" His eyebrows rose in a surprised manner as he realized that it sounded like she was accusing him for still being here. A blush spread across her cheeks and it made him smile – she still blushed for him.

"No, or well, yes, but I just wanted to see if you would still be here waiting, even if I was late – and you were..." She trailed off and her gaze fell a bit, landing on his muscular chest. She also seemed to realize her hand was still touching his body, so she quickly removed it and couldn't help her cheeks to turn even pinker.

"Of course I wouldn't leave, not when you had agreed to see me after what I did – I'm so sor-"

"I told you, I don't want any more of your apologies, Marco. Please stop."

She flicked her gaze up again and met with his intriguing one. A small smile appeared as she watched Marco's cheeks change into a slightly redder shade than normal – he still blushed for her.

"How am I going to make things better if I can't apologize?"

She sighed and faced the ground quickly, though not because she was uncomfortable but more because he didn't realize what she wanted. Not that she fully understood what she wanted either.

"Marco, you have already apologized around a hundred times... And, I've already forgiven you, otherwise I would definitely not be here."

His eyes locked with hers as she looked up again. She had forgiven him? "Thank you," he whispered and smiled, removing his hands out of his pockets so he could use one of them to push a loose strand of her hair back behind her ear.

"You're welcome."

Marco had always admired Heidi's ability to forgive and to have patience with people. It was rare – and gosh, did he know it – yet he had found her, the odd one out on that matter.

Her eyes were glistening because of the light being reflected by the glass around them – it made her even more irresistible. Marco was close to successfully giving Heidi a hug, close to, but he was stopped as she held her whole forearm against his chest, protecting herself from him. He instantly pulled away and took half a step back, thinking he had acted too fast and made her uncomfortable about the whole situation.

"No, come back, kiss me instead," was all she said, a small smile playing on her lips as she pulled Marco back close to her. He grinned slightly and let out an almost child-like giggle and put his hands on her cheeks that were still warm from the blush earlier. Then he leant down and pressed his pink lips against hers and enjoyed the taste of that annoyingly good flavored strawberry lipgloss she loved.



Author: oMg!!!

question: how did you like this book?? Did you hate it? Love it? Meh- it? Tell me all of your thoughts!

Thank you, everyone, for reading this! I appreciate every single comment I've received and every single vote, too! Hope you liked this short Marco book, I know I did! Mwah! 💋

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