Inbox 9/4

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Received: 9/4-2016, 20:24

I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you, I'm so so so sorry Heids. If I could go back I would and I would never ever have done it, I swear! I didn't realize the consequences and I know this isn't an excuse and I'm most likely only writing this to make myself feel better and now I'm rambling. Fuck.

Can we meet up? I miss you so much and I need to check up on you. I can't stand this much longer.

I just need to see you so I can get you back! I need you back with me because I love you.



Author: I hope Marco writes better e-mails than this in real life, haaha. Thank you for reading and please vote!! :-)

question to you: do you watch the Olympics? Which sport(s) do you prefer to watch?

my answer: yes I do, and I prefer swimming and handball. (I don't tend to watch football during the Olympics lol) 🏊🏻🏅

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