Outbox 9/4

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From: heidiwagner@mail.com
To: marcoreus@mail.com
Sent: 9/4-2016, 20:11

I'm reading everything I receive from you only not replying, until now. I have never cried as much as I did when I saw you with this Felicia. It killed me Marco – that's why I haven't been returning your e-mails or texts or anything.

Do you know what's fucked up, Marco? I'm craving for your lips and your touch. You don't understand how f-ed up that is. You had sex with a woman that wasn't me, your girlfriend (!), and then I long to taste your lips? It's wrong. But I can't help myself. You have me in way too deep. I am wrapped around your finger whether I like it or not.



Author: Yay, she replied!!

question for you: what do you think Marco's response will be??

Hope you're all having a good day!

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