Outbox 9/4

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From: heidiwagner@mail.com
To: marcoreus11@mail.com
Sent: 9/4-2016, 20:32

We will meet up at our bus stop tomorrow, 13.00, not a minute later or I will walk away.

I'm giving you another chance, but if you don't take it I am going to push myself until I don't remember Marco Reus anymore, okay? I need you to prove to me that you're serious about this – to prove that what you've said hasn't all been lies.

You broke my heart, Marco, and as much as I hate to admit it, you're the only one who can put it back together.

If you break it again I swear I'm leaving you without as much as a glance back in your way.

I'm doing this for me and not for you, Marco. Still,

I miss you.



Author: OMG GUYS!!! This is actually the final chapter! *distant sobbing* happily and luckily, there will be an epilogue! Yay!

I loved writing this so much, even though it might be mediocre, hahah! Hope you guys loved it too!

question for you: did you like this story? what was good respectively bad?

Also, a big big thank you to -starrynite117 because she really helped me with this chapter. Check out her stories—they're amazing!

Ps. Don't forget to vote & thanks for reading! :p

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