Inbox 8/4

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Received: 8/4-2016, 17:34

Heidi, please return my calls. I can't do this. I am so incredibly and infinitely sorry and I need to tell you this in person, I need you to understand me by looking into my eyes and not by looking at a screen.

In fact, I don't know for sure if you're reading these e-mails I'm sending you, but I'm praying every night that you are.

Please, I just need you to listen to me Heidi. This is unbearable. I'm never going to forgive myself. We need to talk face to face so I can explain.

Please, I am begging you.



Author: it's Tuesday and I'm posting 💁🏼 yay! ALSO, I'm at a Rihanna concert and it's so cool omg!!! Hope you're all having a great day!

question to you: which position do you play in/used to play in/would prefer to play in if you played football?

my answer: I played right back, center back and goalie 😎 (I was horrible at it all lmao)

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