The beginning

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Joey's POV
    I wake up to my phone buzzing. Who in the world is calling at this hour? I thought to myself. It was 4:30 in the morning! I answered the phone and saw that it was Trisha. I reluctantly answered the phone and Trisha was yelling into the phone!


J: What? Today's my birthday? It's not May 16th.

T: Yes it is Joey! Are you ok?

  J: Oh yeah I forgot. Yes I'm ok. I'm just half asleep! You didn't have to call this early!

   T: Sorry! I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. Is that okay baby?

    J: Yes it's okay baby. Thank you! I'm going back to bed.

    T: Ok sweet dreams.

Then I hung up and tried to go back to sleep. But I couldn't. I kept thinking about Trisha. How was I going to tell her that I'm gay and that I like her as a friend. We had been dating for a year and friends for 3. It will break her heart. Might as well get up and start my day. I slowly got out of bed and got in the shower. Then bam I started having an attack. What if nobody loves me?! Nobody loves you and nobody ever will. Your own mother didn't even love you! If she did she wouldn't of gotten drunk every night and cuss at you! If people loved you,you wouldn't be this piece of crap you are today. These thoughts kept running through my head and I fell to the ground and pulled my knees up to my chin. Then I just balled my eyes out. What a great birthday. I've never had a good birthday. Always something goes bad on my birthday. Like when my dad left on my birthday or losing one of my best friends on my birthday. Now on my 23rd birthday I have an attack. I finally get the strength to get up and go down stairs to eat breakfast. Once I got down stairs I made some pancakes and I could barely eat. I went to clean my plate and saw that it was 7:00. Wow it seemed like just five minutes ago I was talking to Trisha. Time always goes by fast on my birthday. Then all of a sudden I get a text from one of my bestest friends. Hope or whigsworth.

H: Hey Joey. Are you okay? I had just had this horrible feeling in my gut. Happy birthday! I love you so much! Never forget that!

Should I tell her or just lie. I decided to tell her.

J: Hey hope. I'm not okay. I had another attack. I'm so lonely. :( I love you too.

H: I'm coming right over. I'll be there in ten.

J: Okay see you soon.

Ten minutes later Hope showed up with chocolate, wine and movies. I gave her a huge hug and and just collapsed in her arms. "It's gonna be okay Joey I'm here for you. Cry as long as you want." I shook my head and she took me over to the couch and just held me tight. All my pain and regrets faded away. Then I told her my secret. "Hope I'm gay." She replied "Yes! I knew it!" "What? You knew?" I replied. "Of course I knew. You are my best friend. Plus you hardly ever kiss Trisha. You have to tell her." Replied Hope. "I know I'm telling her today," I replied. "Ok good," replied the Whig. "Thank you for being such a great friend, Hope," I said. "You're welcome. And Thank you for being a great friend you gay lover boy." I smiled and gave her a hug. We got up and got the stuff Hope brought by. She poured me a glass a wine and I poured her a glass. Then we went to sit on the couch and watch movies. We watched the notebook first. She knows me so well! Then we watched some anime. I checked the clock. It was 6:30. Hope saw that and she said you wanna go out? I want you to meet Daniel. He's my best friend from back home. He's gay too." I replied "I'd love too! But I have to talk to Trisha first just in case me and Daniel hit it off." Hope replied "I'll go home and give you some privacy. I'll pick you up at 7:45 and believe me you will hit it off with Daniel." She left and I immediately called Trisha. Here goes nothing.

Trisha's POV

  My phone started buzzing and it was Joey. I answered and Joey sounded worried he said in a shaky voice,

J: Hey can you come over now. I need to tell you something.

T: okay I'll be right over.

On my way over I started wondering out loud what he needed to tell me. Then I realized what he was going to tell me. He's breaking up with me. Finally! I was so over that fagg. I was just using him and I was his cover but he didn't know that. I arrived at his house five minuets later and he was waiting for me outside. Immediately he said" Trisha I'm gay and I know your using me. I thought you loved me! Get out! I never want to see your face again!" How did he know. I replied "How did you know! Are you physic or something?" He replied " you butt dialed me and I heard everything. Now go!" I left and didn't turn back. I hated him and he hated me.

(That's chapter one! No hate to Trisha! Hope you liked it!)

The boy with the dreamy eyes who saved me~Janiel Where stories live. Discover now