Starting my new life

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Joey's POV

       After Trisha left I ran inside screaming and crying. I hate being used! I can't believe she called me a fag! I looked at the time. It was 7:30. Crap I had to get ready. I ran upstairs put on a cute top,jeans,and some vans. I washed my face off and tried to hide my tears. Then I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked downstairs to wait for Hope. When I got down stairs it was 7:45 and I saw Hope pull in. She greeted me and I got in. Then she asked the question I knew she was going to ask. "How did everything go with Trisha?" I tried to change the subject and avoid the question but I had to answer the question. She asked again "How did everything go with Trisha?" Now in a more concerned way. I looked out the window and I said "Can we talk about this later? I wanna have a good night. All I'm saying right now is that it didn't go well." She understood and replied "Sure. Take as much time as you need. I'm sorry it didn't go well." I looked at her with a tear strolling down my face and said "Thank you." Then I wiped my tear and turned the music on. Melanie Martinez came on! She is like my favorite singer! Hope and I were singing at the top our lungs to the song. Then the song ended and the car became quiet for a slip second like my soul at that moment.

   Then all of sudden we arrived at the club. It was in west Hollywood. We got out and the sign said "crystal cave club. Special guest tonight Mr. Joey Graceffa!"I looked at Hope and asked did you do this for me?. She replied "Yes Daniel is the owner, so I had him set everything up.I replied "Thank you! I can't wait to meet this Daniel!" Then all of a sudden the doors swung open and came out this gorgeous man with green dreamy eyes and brown hair. He was the most attractive man I had ever seen! Then Hope ran and and gave this beautiful man a hug. I realized who this man was! It was Daniel Preda! I walked up and shook his hand and he shook mine. I smiled at him at said "Hi, I'm Joey." He smiled back and said "Hi, Daniel. Nice to meet you Joey." While still in mid handshake I replied "Nice to meet you too Daniel!" Our eyes met and they told a love song of the past of pain and regret. At least mine did. His showed true compassion and love. And out of nowhere I blurted out, "You have beautiful eyes." I began to blush and he saw that I was and he said "don't worry. I think I have beautiful eyes too." He laughed and said "your eyes are more beautiful than mine." We stood there for a whole minute longer, but with him it seem like an eternity. Then Hope said I'll meet you guys inside. Now both us broken out of trance, we both replied at the same time " There's no need. We were just about to head in." Then Daniel held out his arm and said "Will you be my guest for the ball?" I wrapped my arm around his arm and replied with a big smile "I'd love to King Daniel."

      Then we walked in and It was beautiful inside. Crystal floors! Crystal everything! I was about to jump out of my skin! I love crystals! Then I saw this beautiful iridescent throne! And on top of it said King Joey and right next to it was another throne that said King Daniel on top of it. Then Daniel said to me "If you are going to be king you have to dress like a king." He led me to the back and and handed me this blue and purple crystal outfit with matching boots. The he led me to his office and said "You can change in here. Then I'll change." I quickly changed and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like royalty. I walked out and he hooted and hollered. I yelled back "Ok enough now go change!" He smiled and said "Yes sir." He came out of the office with almost the same outfit, but his had pink. As we were walking back he said "Take my hand." I looked at him with hesitation and he said "Don't worry I'll take care of you." This relived me so I took his hand and we walked out.

      As soon as we walked out royalty music started playing. Everybody stood up and bowed. Then we sat  down and the music stopped. Then Daniel whispered something to me to say to everybody. I smiled and repeated what he said, "I King Joey Declare that everybody must dance!" Then music started and every body started dancing. The song was "Shut up and Dance with me." I got up and took Daniel's hand. We went to the dance floor and I yelled "This is my Jam!" Daniel yelled in a loving way "Then dance pig!" Soon a circle started forming and I was in the center. I started dancing and everybody went wild. The I ran towards Daniel and he let out his arms and lifted me up in the air. Then I decided to do another. He let me down and I said "do that again, but this time let me go in mid air." He asked "why?" And I replied "Just do it!" So we started that move again but I had something in store that would blow everybody away! He held out his arms like usual and he lifted me up into the air. I screamed "LET GO!" He did and I did a backflip and ended with the splits. And of course like I said the crowd went wild!

    I got up and Daniel said to me "Wow you are a great dancer!" I replied with a big smile "I know I am." Then we both laughed. Then he said to me "what would you like to drink? Everything tonight is on the house." I was shocked by this. I replied "A beer would be nice." He nodded and said "Coming right up." He called over the waitress and told her "Two beers for the two kings!" She wrote that down and hurried off to get our beers. Then Daniel started asking me personal questions and for the first time I opened up to a person I barely knew. His first question was  where did you grow up and how was your home life. This one hit me hard. But I was still comfortable with him. I knew he wouldn't judge me. I started answering the question "I'm from Massachusetts." His mouth went wide open and he said I'm from Massachusetts too! I replied "No way!" Then I continued. "When I was little my home life was good. But then on 8th birthday my dad left. Then my mom started drinking and became a alcoholic. She would come home drunk every night. I tried to run away several times. Her problem got so bad that she had to go in rehab. But the good thing I had my step father. He was good to me. I also had my sister. I love her to death. Her name is Nicole." Ilooked up and a tear was rollin down his cheek. He held my hand and said with all his heart " I'm so sorry that happened to you. You are safe now with me." I smiled real big and thanked him.

Our beer came and we would talk some and drink some. Then he asked me "how long have you been out of the closet?" I replied "I came out to hope and...." I couldn't finish the sentence. I tried and tried,but I just couldn't. Then I started crying. He looked deep into my eyes and said "Come here and I'll protect you." I went to him and sat on his lap. He wiped my tears and "what's bothering you?" I finally got the nerve to tell him about Trisha. And everything else that bad happened that day and I just fell apart. He took me in his arms and said "we are going to my place." I shook my head yes and he took me to his car. He sat me in the passengers seat and and bucked me in. Then he got in. Right before he put the key in ignition, I grabbed his hand and said "Daniel, I think I'm in love with you." He replied with the sweetest tone and said "Joey, I think I'm in love with you too." Then he pulled me closer and I could feel his breath. Then bam he kissed me! It was a slow and passionate kiss. We kissed for a little while longer and then we headed toward his place. Then we arrived he lived two houses down from me but I didn't tell him. I was enjoying the moment. And I wanted that feeling to last forever, but of course nothing last forever. It always comes crashing down.

(That's chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed it! What a twist though!)

The boy with the dreamy eyes who saved me~Janiel Where stories live. Discover now