Cora's Evil Plan Backfires

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Third person POV-year 2001
Daniel wakes up in a bed that he thinks he has had for most of his life. He gets up like it's another day and like nothing happened. He remembers nothing about yesterday. He walks downstairs and smells pancakes, his favorite. He walks into the kitchen and sees the pancakes piled high. He jumps up and down. His fake mother Cora walks in and says "Control yourself boy!" He frowned and said "Yes ma'am." Daniel sits down and eats his pancakes. After he eats he thanks Cora and gets ready for school. Cora put him in a different school, so the risk of Joey and Daniel meeting is slim. As Daniel walks up the steps to gets dressed. His clothing choice for the day was a pair of skinny jeans, a white and black shirt, and some vans. Right as he was picking up his backpack he noticed a small picture. It was his Birthmother, but how did it get there? He picked it up and turned it over. It read "Mary Margaret, December 16th, 1991. At that moment Daniel had a short flashback of yesterday. He saw his mother and Joey, but he didn't know who Joey was. He was seeing when he said "Mommy I love you." Then the flashback ended. Daniel started crying. He said "oh, I remember now. Mary Margaret is my mommy." He runs downstairs and says nothing to his evil adoptive mother. He runs straight to school, without stopping. He walks into school and goes straight to class. Meanwhile on the other side of town, a little Joey sits in class doodling. He is drawing a young kid, who looks a lot like Daniel. It was Daniel, but Joey didn't know that. He thought he was just drawing some random kid. Now back to Daniel. Daniel sits in seat with his head down, sinking in the truth of his mother. The teacher sees how sad Daniel is and she walks over to Daniel and asks him what's wrong. Daniel replies "Mrs. Jones do you know who Mary Margaret is?" The teacher replies" Yes, I do. She's my sister. But she tragically died about 10 years ago in a car accident. Why do you ask?" "Oh no reason I heard my mother talking about her and I was wondering who she was. That's why I looked so sad." The teacher smiled a fake smile and walked away. Then she emailed Cora.

T0: Cora Mills
From: Janice Jones
Mrs. Mills I am really worried about your son Daniel. He's had his head down all class period and he asked about Mary Margaret. She has been dead nearly 10 years. Is it true that you were talking about her? I think it would be best if you come get him for the day.

To: Janice Jones
From: Cora Mills
I really don't know where he heard that name. I've never said it around him before. I really am sorry. I will be right there.

10 minutes later she showed up at Daniels school and checked him out for the day.Once Daniel got in the car, Cora moved her hand and Daniel passed out." She put a memory that was where Cora adopted Daniel. She knew about the flashback for it was her curse. She erased the flashback and Said "Oh you foolish boy! My plans never fail!" Then Daniel woke up and sat quietly, until they got home.

Now Daniel's POV

    I darted out of Joey's room and told the nurse "if Joey wakes up, tell him I'll be back as soon as possible." She nodded and Daniel went to find his evil adoptive mother. He knew she was back in Boston because of her magic. He got a plane ticket to Boston and went to battle Cora. 7 hours later he arrived in Boston. He immediately went to his mothers place. He was prepared. He was going trick her and act like he has come back, but when she gives him a hug, he's gonna stab her in the back with a knife. After 30 minutes of riding in a cab, he finally arrived at Cora's place. He walked up to the front door and knocked. Cora immediately opened the door and said "oh my precious Daniel! You have come back to stay." Daniel smiled and said "yes, yes I have." Cora went in for a hug, but she had a plan too. She knew Daniel would comeback to kill her. So when she gave him a hug she reached her hand into Daniels chest and tried to pull out his heart but she couldn't. It was because he was made out of true love and that was the strongest magic of all. Daniel smiled and at lightning speed stuck the dagger into her chest. He said " You see, I knew that was gonna happen, so I came prepared. You have failed!" Cora tried to speak, but no words came out. She was slowly bleeding out. Then all of a sudden, Cora's daughter, Regina, came out into the doorway and thanked Daniel. Regina hated her mother and for years she was trapped. Regina flicked her hand and Cora was transported to the underworld. Then she cleaned up the blood with the flick of her hand. She turned to Daniel and said "Go to Joey. He needs you." Then she flicked her hand and Daniel was gone and back in Joey's hospital room. He knew hat had to be done. He had to give Joey half of his heart. He called Regina and asked if she could do it. She agreed and was there in seconds. She took out Daniels heart, and this time it would come out because Daniel allowed it to. The she split it in half and stuck one half
in Joey's chest. Then put Daniels half into Daniel. Then she left. Daniel walked over to Joey's  side and said " Wake up my dear." Slowly Joey's eyes opened and he was awake. Daniel called in the nurse and she started smiling. She then called in the Doctor and the doctor was shocked. He then turned to Daniel and said " Mr. Preda, this is a miracle. We didn't expect Joey to wake up." Daniel smiled and said "I know. Thank you." Then Daniel raced over to Joey and planted a huge kiss on his lips. He broke the kiss and said to Joey "I'm so glad you are alive! I love you so much." Joey started crying and said "I love you too."

(That's the end of chapter 9! I hope you liked it! I will try to post chapter 10 tonight too. Love you pigs! Good damn bye!)

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