That Unfortunate Day

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Third POV- year 2001

   Mary Margaret drove slowly down the old country road with her son, Daniel and his friend, Joey. Joey was spending the weekend with them and Daniel was so excited, because secretly him and Joey were dating. Well a 10 year olds version of dating. They would sneak in cute kisses or they would hold each other's hand. Mary Margaret knew about the relationship because after all she was Daniels mother and mothers always knows what's going on. She thought it was cute, her best friend Ruby was dating a girl from Kansas, Dorothy. She was always accepting of others and made sure everybody felt loved. Mary Margaret looked back at the two boys who were soundly asleep, with their heads resting on each other. It warmed her heart and she began to cry. All she ever wanted was her son to be happy and he was. She closed her eyes and wished that may Joey and Daniel may always find each other, no matter how far apart. Her and her beloved husband David always found each other now matter how far apart they were. It was true love. This meant that Daniel was made out of true love, which is the strongest magic of all. David passed when Daniel was two from a long battle with cancer. He was 36. This crushed Mary Margaret and everyday was a bad day for her, but she kept saying that no matter how far apart I will find you my beloved. The more she said it the more she believed it. Each day got better and she finally got to the point to go ahead with her life. Mary Margaret looked back to the road and stopped crying. Right as she looked back, Daniel woke up. He said "Mommy,I love you." She smiled and replied "I love you forever and always." Daniel smiled and laid his head back down. A few seconds later a mist started rolling in. It was red. Mary Margaret knew what it was. It was magic, Evil magic. She tried to turn away, but it was too late the mist soaked into her nostrils and she took her last breath. Then her body went limp. She was with her beloved now. Then mist started going for Daniel and Joey, but it wouldn't go any farther. It was like they were protected. Because they were. They were protected by True love. The mist did do something strange it circled around Joey, but didn't go into his nostrils, it went into his brain and all of his memories of Daniel were erased. The same with Daniel. Then Joey disappeared and was in his bed. He would wake up the next morning and remember nothing. Then the mist lifted and a small lady came walking to the car with a evil smile on her face. She did her magic once more and gave Daniel fake memories of his first ten years. Then she took him in her arms and magically transported him to her home. She thought she won, but she didn't. What she didn't know was that Daniel still remembered his birth mother. Now what in the world was she gonna do with Daniel? Then she knew what she was gonna do.
                                    To be continued......
(Hello! Long time no see. Sorry for the wait. I was really busy and just couldn't get around to writing. I hope you like this chapter and stay tuned for the next one! Cora's plan for Daniel will be put into action. Have a wonderful day! Good damn bye!)

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