Joey my Handsome king

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Daniels POV

It was 6:45 and I was setting up for Joey's perfect night. Hope had called me yesterday and told me about Joey and how his birthday was the next day. She asked me to set up the club with everything crystal. Good thing she said that because the name of my Club is Crystal Cave Club. I told her I would make it his best night of his life. Now I only I had about an hour till he got here. The club opens at 7:15. The only people invited were Joeys Best friends and maybe some of his subscribers. Hope gave me a list that morning and I made the calls. 7:15 rolled around and I opened the door and welcomed the guests. I said while opening the Doors "Welcome to Crystal Cave club! Where your dreams come true and your problems fade away. The guest of honor will be here in 45 min. So get ready to party!" Everybody cheered and started coming in.

The the theme of the party was crystal royalty. Everybody had to look like like royalty. But of course one person wasn't dressed up, Shane Dawson. He came up to me and said "Sorry Daniel I didn't dress up. I'm already royalty so I can wear what I want." I smiled and replied "I don't care! No go dance!" He laughed to and said "My pleasure!" He left and I looked at my phone. It was 7:45 and I got a text from Hope.

H:Hey I just picked up Joey. Be there in a little bit.

D: Okay! See you and the birthday Boy in a little bit.

I clicked off my phone and waited for them to show up. 10 minuets later they showed up. I waited by the door till they started walking up. Then I went out to greet them. Hope came running and gave me a huge hug. While giving me a hug she whispered into my ear "Joey is really interested in you. Treat him well." I replied "Oh believe me Hope I will." She smiled and let go. Then I went to meet this Joey. I went up to him and immediately I fell in love. His twinkling Blue eyes and brown wavy hair. He smiled at me and said "Hi, I'm Joey." I smiled back and said "Hi, I'm Daniel. Nice to meet you Joey." He replied back "Nice to meet you Daniel." Then I saw wanting in his eyes, but I also saw pain and loss. I thought to myself "Boy isn't perfect but I love him the way he is." Then all of a sudden he blurted out "Your eyes are beautiful." Immediately he started blushing and I smiled. I replied back knowing he was blushing "Don't worry I think I have beautiful eyes too." He looked at me like are you serious? Then I said "Your eyes are more beautiful than mine." We were flirting big time and both of us were enjoying it.

    We stood there for a little while longer which seemed like forever. Then hope said "I'll meet you guys inside." This broke us out of our trance and both us replied "There's no need. We were about to head in." Hope looked at me with a look like sure you were. Then I said to Joey "Will you be my guest to the ball?" He replied "I'd love to King Daniel. Then I held out my arm and he wrapped his around mine. Then we walked in.

When we walked in I looked over and Joey was smiling from ear to ear. I was so relieved he loved it. He really loved the crystal thrones. Which said on top King Joey and King Daniel. Then I said to him "If you are going to be King you have to dress like it." I led him to the back and handed him a blue and purple Crystal outfit with matching boots. Then I said to him "You can change in my office. Then I'll change." He shook his head yes and went into change. 5 minutes later he came out sexier than ever! I hooted
and hollered. He laughed and yelled "Ok now go change!" I replied "Yes sir!" My outfit was almost the same as his but mine was blue and pink. I changed fast and looked at myself and thought to myself "Damn Joey and I are looking sexy tonight!" Then I walked out and started walking back with Joey. Right as we were about to walk out I said to Joey "Take my hand." He looked at me with hesitation and I knew he didn't want to get hurt again. I didn't know who hurt him but I knew somebody did and recently too. I said to him "Don't worry I'll take care of you." He smiled and took my hand. At that moment I knew he trusted me. Then we walked out.

    As soon as we walked out royalty music started playing. Everybody stood up and bowed. Then we went sit down and the music stopped. Once we sat down I whispered to Joey "Say to everybody I King Joey declare that everybody must dance!" He smiled and repeated what I said. Everybody cheered and the music came on. The song was Shut up and Dance with me. Joey's face lit up and took my hand and took me to the dance floor. Once we got to the dance floor he yelled to me "This is my Jam!" God he's so cute when he's excited. I laughed and replied "Well then dance Pig!" He smiled and started dancing. He started doing move I couldn't do. Soon later a circle formed and we were in the middle of it. Then he started running at me and I held out my arms and lifted him up in the air. The crowd went wild. I let him down and he said to me "Do that again but let go in mid air." After he said that I thought to myself "What!? Is he crazy?" I replied "What?" He replied "Just do it!" So we started the move again. He came running towards me and I held out my arms and lifted him up. Then Joey yelled "LET GO!" I did and he did a backflip and ended with the splits! The crowd went wild again. He got up and I said to him "You are a great dancer!" He smiled and thanked me.

   I took him to a table and asked him "What do you want to drink? Everything is on the house tonight." He replied "A beer would be nice." I said "Coming right up!" I called over to the waitress and told her "Two beers for the two kings!" She wrote that down and went to get our beers. I wanted to know more about Joey so I started asking him questions. First I asked him "Where did you grow up and how was your home life?" He replied "I grew up in Massachusetts." My mouth opened wide open and I said "I grew up in Massachusetts too!" He replied "No way!" Then he continued. He told me his home life was good at first but then his whole tone changed. He said "When I turned 8 my dad left and my mom became a alcoholic. She came home drunk every night. But thank God I had my step dad he was good to me. I also had my sister. I love her to death. Her name is Nicole." I felt so sorry for him. I grabbed his hand and said with a tear running down my cheek "I'm so sorry that happened that happened to you. You are safe with me." He smiled and thanked me. Then our beers came.

     I continued getting to know him better. Then I asked him "How long have you been out of the closet?" He started to reply " I came out to Hope and...." He tried over and over to finish the sentence but he just couldn't. I could tell I hit a nerve. Then he started crying. I said to him "Come here and I'll protect you." He came and sat on my lap. I wiped his tears and asked him "what's bothering you?" He told me everything. How he dated Trisha Paytas. And how she was just using him. Also how he has depression and anxiety. Then he just fell apart in my arms. I took him in my arms and said "We are going to my place." He shook his head yes and I took him to my car and buckled him up. Then I got in. Right before I put the key ignition Joey grabbed my hand and said to me "Daniel, I think I'm in love with you." This is exactly what I wanted to hear and I replied "Joey, I think I'm in love with you too." Then I pulled him close and kissed him. It was a slow and passionate kiss. Then I started the car and headed to my place.

(That's chapter 3! Stay tuned for chapter 4! Joey and Daniel's relationship is put to the test!)

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